About the Editors vi
Contributors vii
Referees xi
Preface xiii
Chapter 1 The Role of Science in the Transition to
Sustainability: the Systems Approach Framework for Integrated
Coastal Zone Management 1
Tom Sawyer Hopkins and Denis Bailly
Section 1 Coastal Habitats and Ecosystem Services
Chapter 2 The Norwegian Programme for Mapping of Marine Habitats
? Providing Knowledge and Maps for ICZMP 21
Trine Bekkby, Frithjof E. Moy, Heidi Olsen, Eli Rinde, Torjan
Bodvin, Reidulv Boe, Henning Steen, Ellen S. Grefsrud, Sigurd
H. Espeland, Are Pedersen and Nina M. Jorgensen
Chapter 3 Monitoring Ecological Quality of Coastal Waters by the
Nature Index (NI) ? an Integrated Measure of Biodiversity
Eivind Oug, Gro I. van der Meeren, Gregoire Certain and Signe
Chapter 4 The Scomberomorus brasiliensis Gill-net Production
System in Northern Brazil; an ?Invisible? and
Mismanaged Small-scale Fishery 49
Victoria J. Isaac, Roberto V.E. Santo, Bianca S. Bentes, Keila
R.M. Mour?ao and Flavia Lucena-Fredou
Chapter 5 A Combination of Seagrass and Macroalgal Beds Enhances
Survival of Young-of-the-Year Rockfish Sebastes Cheni 61
Yasuhiro Kamimura and Jun Shoji
Section 2 Adaptation/Mitigation to Change in Coastal
Chapter 6 Natural Resource Potential of Macroalgae Harvesting in
the Baltic Sea?Case Study Trelleborg, Sweden 71
Emma Risen, Joseph Santhi Pechsiri, Maria E. Malmstrom, Nils
Brandt and Fredrik Grondahl
Chapter 7 Conserving Mangrove Ecosystem for Climate Change
Adaptation in the Ganges Basin 85
M. Shahadat Hossain
Chapter 8 Monitoring Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae)
Behaviour in a Highly Urbanised Coastline: Gold Coast, Australia
Jan-Olaf Meynecke, Silje Vindenes and Daniella Teixeira
Section 3 Coastal Governance
Chapter 9 An Overview of the Implementation of SAF Methodology
Regarding the Stakeholder Response, in the Mussel-Farming Area of
Chalastra, Thermaikos Gulf 117
Zoi I. Konstantinou and Yannis N. Krestenitis
Chapter 10 Knowledge Issues in ICZM and EBM Applied on Small
Geographic Scales: Lessons from a Case Study in Risor, Norway
H°akan T. Sandersen, Eirik Mikkelsen, Erlend Moksness and
Jon Helge Volstad
Chapter 11 Governance Systems for Marine Protected Areas in
Ecuador 145
Vincent Gravez, Robert Bensted-Smith, Pippa Heylings and Taylor
Gregoire Wright
Chapter 12 The Battle for Space ? the Position of
Norwegian Aquaculture in Integrated Coastal Zone Planning 159
Bjorn Hersoug
Section 4 Linking Science and Management
Chapter 13 Integrated Coastal Zone Management ? Preview
and Evaluation of its Application on the Coast of Cyprus 171
Nicholas Kathijotes and Athina Papatheodoulou
Chapter 14 Framing a ?Post-Normal?
Science?Policy Interface for Integrated Coastal Zone
Management 179
Scott Bremer
Chapter 15 Co-Learning in Marine Protected Areas for Integrated
Coastal Zone Management 192
Mohammad A.L. Siddique, S. Zafrin, S. Myers, T. Smith, R.
Babcock, and R.W. (Bill) Carter
Chapter 16 Reflexively Mapping the Science?Policy
Interface for Coastal Zones 206
Anne Blanchard and Scott Bremer
Chapter 17 Bridging the Science?Policy Divide in the
Coastal Zone: Is There a Role for Learning Processes? 218
Melissa Nursey-Bray and Nick Harvey
Chapter 18 Perspectives of Social and Ecological Systems
Paul Tett, Audun Sandberg, Anne Mette, Denis Bailly, Marta
Estrada, Thomas Sawyer Hopkins, Maurizio Ribera d?Alcala and
Loraine McFadden
Index 245
Colour plates appear between pages 48 and 49