Going beyond the Pairs : The Coincidence of Opposites in German Romanticism, Zen, and Deconstruction - Dennis McCort

Going beyond the Pairs

The Coincidence of Opposites in German Romanticism, Zen, and Deconstruction

By: Dennis McCort

Paperback | 21 June 2001

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Argues that German Romanticism, Zen Buddhism, and deconstruction, for all their cultural differences, are three expressions of a universal vision.
Industry Reviews
"By going beyond the oppositionalism of nineteenth-century Romanticism and twentieth-century deconstruction, McCort compellingly demonstrates that these critical theories each indicate an implicit 'third,' a triangulation of signification, in the face of difference. The surprise in the argument is that the radical wisdom concerning this coincidence of opposites comes from Zen! It is an Asian logic that makes going beyond Occidental pairs experientially and intellectually possible." - David Miller, author of Three Faces of God "In addition to building surprising bridges between these seemingly disparate literary and philosophical systems, McCort offers a new reading of deconstruction that helps us find a way out of the cul de sac of much current critical theory." - Harold Coward, author of Derrida and Indian Philosophy

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