Opoku Onyinah and Wonsuk Ma
Part I: Foundational
1. Anointing by the Spirit and Ministry to the Poor
William L. Lyons
2. Exploring Issues of Wealth and Poverty in the Gospels: A Ghanaian Pentecostal-Charismatic Reading of Luke 16
Justice A. Arthur
3. Spirit Empowerment and Service to the Poor in Acts
Trevor Grizzle
4. Pentecostalism and the Prosperity Gospel
Opoku Onyinah
5. A Church with a Heart: Spirit and Praxis in Pentecostal Social Engagement
Ivan Satyavrata
6. A Pentecostal Engagement of Economy from the Margins
David D. Daniels III
7. Global Poverty and the Poor
Sylvia Owusu-Ansah
Part II: Cases in Context
8. Beyond Liberation and Prosperity Gospel: A Third Way
Cesar Garcia
9. The Aimara Identity of Poor Neo-Pentecostals in Urban La Paz, Bolivia
Marcelo Vargas
10. Building Our Home: Balu Wala, the Sabbatical and Jubilee Year
Jocabed R. Solano Miselis
11. Pentecostalism and the Spirit of Local Development
Alfred Cooper
12. Todo lo Puedo: The Empowerment of Children Born into Poverty through ChildHope
Mary Kathleen Mahon
13. Religious Conflict in Nigeria and Poverty Dynamics
Babatunde Adedibu
14. Civil Unrest and Poverty in Congo Brazzaville: A Personal Story
Medine Moussunga Keener
15. "Bread for Today"-Can Microfinance Respond to the Lord's Prayer in Reducing Poverty?
Irene Banda Mutalima
16. Empowering Christian Low-Fee Independent Schools: Edify's Response to Poverty
Makonen Getu
17. Responding to Human Needs: A Case Study of Yoido Full Gospel Church
Younghoon Lee
18. Pentecostal Civic Engagement in the Squatter Area
Joel A. Tejedo
19. The War on Drugs in the Philippines and the Image of Healing and Restoration in Mark 5:1-20
Doreen Benavidez and Edwardneil Benavidez
20. Global Poverty and Transnational Pentecostalism in the Middle East
Eric N. Newberg
21. Spirit-Empowered Apostolic Ministry to the Poor: Through the Lens of Three Ministries
John Thompson
22. "I Tried Poverty": Exploring the Psychological Impact of Poverty and Prosperity in the Life of Oral Roberts
Daniel D. Isgrigg
23. A DREAMer's Journey and the Holy Spirit's Comfort: A Personal Reflection
Lemuel J. Godinez and Yasmine A. Godinez
The Kingdom Comes: Postscript
Rebekah Bled
Select Bibliography
Name and Subject Index
Scripture Index