Greening America to Save the World - Mark Pavletich

Greening America to Save the World

By: Mark Pavletich

Paperback | 14 August 2008

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Ever since Rachel Carson's Silent Spring was published a half century ago, environmentalists have warned of the many perils of chemicalized farming practices. The need for global stewardship has never seemed more pressing. This book highlights the ways our health is inextricably linked to modern methods of food production as well as lawn and garden care. The widespread use of toxic petrochemicals on rural and suburban landscapes has contributed to ever-increasing rates of degenerative disease. Beyond describing the threats posed by these ubiquitous chemicals, the book explains in clear and cogent terms how to turn this situation around. To save the [planet and ourselves, we need to change the way we relate to the natural world,begining with our own backyards and gardens.This book provides a practical prescription for reclaiming our health and stabilizing our global climate system through innovative, earth-friendly strategies -- and offers hope for future generations.

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