Guardian of Angels : A Practical Guide to Joyful Parenting - Ilaxi Patel

Guardian of Angels

A Practical Guide to Joyful Parenting

By: Ilaxi Patel

Paperback | 18 September 2006

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Guardian of Angels is a 'A practical guide to joyful parenting.' This is a book concerned with feelings and love. It provides the Commandments of parenting, nurturing relationships and how to create a genius in your child. Much more, the bond of love that forms between the parent and the child. Profound, provocative and practical, ilaxi delve into fostering physical, emotional, spiritual and intellectual well being of children.In six chapters, 33 thought provoking articles on parenting, the Author emphasize on parenting chapter Contents as:CHAPTER I: CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENTCHAPTER 2: PROBLEM SOLVINGCHAPTER 3: TEMPERAMENT & VALUESCHAPTER 4: NEW WAVES OF TECHNOLOGYCHAPTER 5: LIFE LONG LEARNERSCHAPTER 6: PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT & HUMAN RELATIONSHIP

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