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Hai! 1 Student Book : Hai! - BURNHAM

Hai! 1 Student Book

By: BURNHAM, Michael Sedunary

Paperback | 1 December 2001 | Edition Number 1

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With six semester-length, topic-based stages, Hai! is geared to the crucial middle years where student motivation and experience of progress are so important.

Unit topics

  • The writing is different!
  • All about me and my friends
  • I can count!
  • Excuse me, what’s the time?
  • In class
  • About Japan

Some features of each unit:

  • Flap those ears! Move that mouth!—the photo presentation showcases new language and cultural information. Audio response opportunities are given on the Audio CD.
  • Grab that pen!—introduces the hiragana; is closely tied to the teaching of language points in each unit so that students learn to write what they can say.
  • Help Desk—the reference section where the new language and key vocabulary are given in a simple, easy-to-follow layout.
  • Move that mouth!—provides structured, semi-structured and open-ended speaking activities modelled on the now familiar language. 
  • Flap those ears! Move those eyes!—the cartoon story, following the junior high romance of Hide and Kana, provides an opportunity for reading for pleasure and consolidates the language and script at the point where students have become romaji-independent.

There are also computer-based research activities, and Japanese/English and English/Japanese vocabulary lists.


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