1. History of Applied Dog Behavior and Training.
Social Parallelism, Domestication, and Training; Dogs and the
Ancient World; Roots of Modern Training; Organized Competitive
Obedience; Dogs and Defense; The Monks of New Skete; New York and
the North American Society of Dog Trainers; Science and Behavior;
Applied Behavior; Contemporary Trends in Dog Training;
2. Behavioral Assessment.
Part 1: Descriptive and Functional Assessment; Behavioral
Fact-finding; Defining Behavior as a Problem; Functional Analysis
and Working Hypotheses; Dead-dog Rule; Training Plan; Describing
and Classifying Behavior Problems; Common Etiological Factors
Underlying Behavior Problems; Control and Management of Behavior
Problems versus Cure.
Part 2: Evaluation Forms; Client Work Sheet; Dog Behavior
Questionnaire; Puppy Temperament and Evaluation; Puppy Behavior
Profile; References.
3. Fears and Phobias.
Incidence of Fear-related Behavior Problems; Assessment and
Evaluation of Fear-related Problems; Contributions of Learning;
What Is Fear?; Innate and Acquired Fear; Fear and Conditioning;
Anxiety; Phobia; Expectancy Bias; Prediction and Control; Efficacy
Expectancies; Primal Sensory Modalities Mediating Attraction and
Aversion; Play and Fear; Assessment and Modification of Fear;.
4. Attachment, Separation, and Related Problems.
Part 1: Attachment and Separation; Attachment and Separation
Distress; Bowlby's Social Bond Theory; Psychobiological
"Attunement": Bioregulatory Hypothesis; Opponent-process Theory and
Separation Distress; Supernormal Attachment Hypothesis; Neoteny and
Dependency; Biological Stress and Separation Distress; Separation
Distress and Coactive Influences.
Part 2: Ontogenesis of Separation Distress; Development of
Attachments and Separation-related Distress; Attachment and
Learning; Comparison Between Dog and Wolf Exposure to Social
Part 3: Separation-Related Problems: Worry and Guilt: The Human
Dimension of Separation Distress; Behavioral Expressions of
Separation Distress; Assessing Separation-related Problems;
Etiology, Ethology, and Risk Factors; Separation Distress and
Retroactive Punishment; Aging and Separation-related Problems;
5. Excessive Behavior.
Part 1: Compulsive Behavior; Definitions; Etiology; Displacement
Activity; Adjunctive Behavior and Compulsions; Conflict and
Coactive Factors; Compulsive Behavior Problems; Assessment and
Evaluation; Prevention.
Part 2: Hyperactivity; Hyperactivity versus Hyperkinesis; Signs
and Incidence; Etiology; CNS-stimulant-response Test; Dietary
Factors and Hyperactivity; Two Case Histories; Cognitive
Interpretations and Speculation; Behavioral Side Effects of
Hyperactivity; References.
6. Aggressive Behavior: Basic Concepts and
Part 1: Introduction; Characteristics of Dogs That Bite; Age and
Sex; Incidence and Targets of Aggression; Emotional Trauma of Dog
Attacks on Children: Dogs That Kill; Dog Attacks versus Human Fatal
Assaults on Children; Basic Categories; Classifying Aggressive
Behavior; A Nomenclature of Aggressive Behavior; Predatory
Behavior; Genetics and Aggression; Hormones and Aggressive
Behavior; Nutrition and Aggression; Role of Integrated Compliance
and Obedience Training.
Part 2: Children, Dogs, and Aggression; Preventing Problems; Dog
and Baby; Evaluating the Risk; Preventing Bites; References.
7. Intraspecific and Territorial Aggression.
Part 1: Intraspecific Aggression; Etiology and Assessment; Owner
Characteristics of Aggressors and Victims; Domestication and
Developmental Factors; Hormonal Influences; Socialization and
Aggression; Aggression Between Dogs Sharing the Same Household;
Part 2: Territorial Defense; Control Vector Analysis of
Territory; How Territory Is Established and Defended Free-floating
Territory; Territorial Aggression versus Group Protection;
Variables Influencing Territorial Aggression.
Part 3: Fear-related Aggression; Fear and Aggression; Fear and
Avoidance-motivated Aggression; Fear and Territorial Aggression;
8. Social Competition and Aggression.
Assessment and Identification; Concept of Social Dominance:
Defining Dominance: Structure of Dominance Relations: Social
Dominance and Aggression: Dominance and Social Harmony:
Interspecies Social Dominance: Social Distance and Polarity;
Affiliation and Social Dominance; Play and Aggression; Cognition
and Aggression; Anxiety, Frustration, and Aggression; Behavioral
Thresholds and Aggression; Aversive Trauma, Social Loss, and
Aggression; Learning and Dominance; Social Competition,
Development, and Aggression; Social versus Competitive (Possessive)
Behavior; Temperament Tests and Aggression Prevention;.
9. Appetitive and Elimination Problems.
Part 1: Appetitive Problems; Excessive Eating and Obesity;
Inappetence and Anorexia; Pica and Destructive Behavior; Pica and
Scavenging; Coprophagy; Putative Causes of Coprophagy; Evolutionary
Part 2: Elimination Problems; Physiology, Neural Control, and
Learning; Eliminatory Behavior; Common Elimination Problems.
Defecation Problems; Flatulence; Grass Burn and Urine;
10. Cynopraxis.
Cynopraxic Counseling; Behavior Problems and the Family.
Joining the Family; Psychological Factors; Attributional Styles;
Psychodynamic Factors; Social Placebos; The Cynopraxic Trainer's
Attitude; References.