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Hands Off My Food! : How Government and Industry Have Corrupted Our Food and Easy Ways to Fight Back - Dr. Sina McCullough

Hands Off My Food!

How Government and Industry Have Corrupted Our Food and Easy Ways to Fight Back

By: Dr. Sina McCullough

Paperback | 7 March 2017

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Americans have stopped being watchdogs over their own food supply. Roughly 100 years ago, with the birth of the FDA, we handed that responsibility over to the government and the food industry. They, in turn, have fundamentally transformed our food supply and it’s making us sick, including our children. Not only are we losing our health to food related illnesses like cancer and heart disease, we are losing our freedom. Did you know that government and the food industry have already chosen your dinner for you?  In fact, the government nudges you to pick the foods they want you to eat. They’ve been doing it your whole life.


In Hands Off My Food! Dr. McCullough, a Ph.D. in Nutrition from the University of California at Davis, walks you through the truth behind what’s currently in our food and how it got there. You may be surprised to learn that our food system is not designed to protect our long-term health. Both the food industry and the government have played a major role in the demise of our food supply, but they are not the root of the problem. Dr. McCullough reveals who is ultimately responsible for the adulteration of our food and how each of us has the power to restore the integrity of the food we eat by taking back our consent. Together we can reclaim our voice by becoming the watchdogs we were meant to be. It’s easier than you might think!


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