Hands-On Science : Matter - Druscilla Santiago

Hands-On Science


By: Druscilla Santiago, Lola M. Schaefer

Paperback | 6 May 2025

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Press Here meets Bill Nye the Science Guy in this interactive STEM picture book about solids, liquids, and gases, bringing science experiments to life!

Now in paperback! A playful and accessible, fun nonfiction read aloud where you can touch, tap, shake, and press every object on display. Open the book to begin!

Press Here meets Bill Nye the Science Guy in this interactive STEM picture book about solids, liquids, and gases, bringing science experiments to life!

Now in paperback! A playful and accessible, fun nonfiction read aloud where you can touch, tap, shake, and press every object on display. Open the book to begin!

Welcome to the chemistry lab! Through imagination, exploration, and play, readers see that matter comes in all shapes and sizes and can change from solid to liquid to gas. Each page of this engaging book instructs the reader to smash clay to change its shape, tilt the book to pour liquid, or blow to make bubbles, bringing the science experiments to life. After predicting what will happen next, eager readers turn the page to see the results.

Educator and author Lola M. Schaefer draws on her years in the classroom to make science fun and accessible through engaging and playful text. Back matter includes a simple experiment for investigating matter in the real world.

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