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Health and Safety Management : Principles and Best Practice - Colin Fuller

Health and Safety Management

Principles and Best Practice

By: Colin Fuller, Luise Vassie

Paperback | 6 May 2004 | Edition Number 1

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This important new book considers health and safety management as an equal partner to other strategic business risks. Concepts of risk and models of risk management supply the context for the management of health and safety in a range of sectors. By applying the principles of business risk management to health and safety, the authors develop crucial best practice approaches that are applicable on a global platform, irrespective of local legislation.

Key features:

    • The underlying principles of health and safety management, such as risk management, risk perception, risk communication, behaviour, human error, economics and cost benefit analysis is explored.

    • Using international and national approaches, Abest practiceA techniques are presented to help managers develop and implement health and safety management systems in their own organisations.

    • The roles of risk assessment, risk control, training, performance measurement, auditing, benchmarking and continuous improvement in health and safety management are analysed to provide an integrated and effective management system.

    • Examples are drawn from a range of industrial, commercial and public sector organisations.

    • Contemporary views on the social responsibilities of both the organisation and the individual to manage health and safety are featured in order to stimulate further debate and look to the future direction of health and safety management.

    Dr Colin Fuller and Dr Luise Vassie present the MSc in Health and Safety Management at the University of Leicester.

    Industry Reviews

    "The frequently neglected field of health and safety management, the responsibility of many but understood by few, is well served by this comprehensive and well written book. It is, above all, highly informative and a 'must have' for senior practitioners and managers alike."
    John Barrell, OBE TD, formerly Chief Executive, The Institution of Occupational Safety and Health

    "This is a text for life. A comprehensive work that uniquely integrates occupational health and safety firmly into the international business management environment.... Undoubtedly it will also become a standard text for those embarking upon post graduate study in both occupational health and safety, and business management."
    Trevor Cooke, Faculty of Business & Law, Staffordshire University

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