PROVISIONAL CONTENTS LIST Volume I: Health Security and Foreign Policy Challenges Part 1: Health and Security: Concepts and Parameters 1. Laurie Garrett, 'The Return of Infectious Disease', Foreign Affairs, January/February 1996, 66--79. 2. Andrew Price-Smith, 'Ghosts of Kigali: Infectious Disease and Global Stability at the Turn of the Century', International Journal, 54, 3, 426--42. 3. Simon Szreter, 'Health and Security in Historical Perspective', in Lincoln Chen, Jennifer Leaning, and Vasant Narasimhan (eds.), Global Health Challenges for Human Security (Harvard Asia Center, 2003), pp. 31--52. 4. William Aldis, 'Health Security as a Public Health Concept: A Critical Analysis', Journal of Health Policy and Planning, 2008, 23, 369--75. 5. Steven Hoffman, 'The Evolution, Etiology and Eventualities of the Global Health Security Regime', Journal of Health Policy and Planning, 2010, 25, 6, 510--22. 6. Paula Gutlove and Gordon Thompson. 'Human Security: Expanding the Scope of Public Health', Medicine, Conflict & Survival, 2003, 19, 1, 17--34. 7. David P. Fidler, 'A Pathology of Public Health Securitism: Approaching Pandemics as Security Threats', in Andrew F. Cooper, John J. Kirton, and Ted Schrecker, (eds.), Governing Global Health: Challenge, Response, Innovation (Ashgate, 2007), pp. 41--66. 8. Guenael Rodier, Allison L. Greenspan, James M. Hughes, and David L. Heymann, 'Global Public Health Security', Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2007, 13, 10, 1447--52. 9. Jonathan Ban, 'Health as a Global Security Challenge', Seton Hall Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations, 2003, 4, 2, 19--28. 10. Gro Harlem Brundtland, 'Global Health and International Security', Global Governance, 2003, 9, 4, 417--23. 11. Jack Chow, 'Health and International Security', The Washington Quarterly, 1996, 16, 2, 63--77. Part 2: Securitizing Health 12. Sara E. Davies, 'Securitising Infectious Disease', International Affairs, 2008, 84, 2, 295--313. 13. David L. Heymann, 'The Evolving Infectious Disease Threats: Implications for National and Global Security', Journal of Human Development, 2003, 4, 2, 191--207. 14. Susan Peterson, 'Epidemic Disease and National Security', Security Studies, 2002, 12, 2, 43--81. 15. Sandra J. Maclean, 'Microbes, Mad Cows and Militaries: Exploring the Links Between Health and Security', Security Dialogue, 2008, 39, 5, 475--94. Part 3: Foreign Policy and Health 16. David Fidler, 'Health as Foreign Policy: Between Principle and Power', Whitehead Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations, 2005, 6, 179--94. 17. Harley Feldbaum, Kelley Lee, and Joshua Michaud, 'Global Health and Foreign Policy', Epidemiologic Reviews, 2010, 32, 1, 82--92. 18. Colin Mcinnes and Kelley Lee, 'Health, Security and Foreign Policy', Review of International Studies, 2006, 32, 1, 5--23. Part 4: Conflicts and Interventions 19. Nicholas Banatvala and Anthony Zwi, 'Conflict and Health: Public Health and Humanitarian Interventions: Developing the Evidence Base', British Medical Journal, 2000, 321, 7253, 101--5. 20. John Grundy, Peter Annear, and Seema Mihrshahi, 'Balancing National Security with Human Security: A Call for Comprehensive Pre-Event Public Health Analysis of War and Defence Policy', Journal of Peace, Conflict and Development, 2008, 12. 21. Frederick Burkle, 'Future Humanitarian Crises: Challenges for Practice, Policy, and Public Health', Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 2010, 25, 3, 191--9. 22. M. J. O'Toole and R. J. Waldman, 'The Public Health Aspects of Complex Emergencies and Refugee Situations', Annual Review of Public Health, 1997, 18, 283--312. 23. M. A. Connolly, M. Gayer, M. J. Ryan, P. Spiegel, P. Salama, and D. L. Heymann, 'Communicable Diseases in Complex Emergencies: Impact and Challenges', The Lancet, 2004, 364 (27 November 2004), 1974--83. 24. Stephen C. Waring and Bruce J. Brown, 'The Threat of Communicable Diseases Following Natural Disasters: A Public Health Response', Disaster Management & Response, 2005, 3, 2, 41--7. Volume II: Infectious Diseases and Security Part 5: AIDS 25. Peter Singer, 'AIDS and International Security', Survival, 2002, 44, 1, 145--58. 26. Roxanna Sjostedt, 'Exploring the Construction of Threats: The Securitization of HIV/AIDS in Russia', Security Dialogue, 2008, 39, 1, 7--29. 27. Peter Piot, Michel Kazatchkine, Mark Dybul, and Julian Lob-Levyt, 'AIDS: Lessons Learnt and Myths Dispelled', The Lancet, 20 March 2009, 260--3. 28. Colin McInnes and Simon Rushton, 'HIV/AIDS and Security: Where Are We Now?', International Affairs, 2010, 86, 1, 225--45. 29. Stefan Elbe, 'Should HIV/AIDS Be Securitised? The Ethical Dilemmas of Linking HIV/AIDS and Security', International Studies Quarterly, 2006, 50, 1, 119--44. 30. Pieter Fourie, 'The Relationship Between the AIDS Pandemic and State Fragility', Global Change, Peace & Security, 2007, 19, 3, 281--300. 31. Dennis Altman, 'AIDS and Security', International Relations, 2003, 17, 4, 417--27. 32. Ann Swidler, 'Syncretism and Subversion in AIDS Governance: How Locals Cope with Global Demands', International Affairs, 2006, 82, 2, 269--84. Part 6: SARS 33. Melissa Curley and Nicholas Thomas, 'Human Security and Public Health in Southeast Asia: The SARS Outbreak', Australian Journal of International Affairs, 2004, 58, 1, 17--32. 34. Mely Caballero-Anthony, 'SARS in Asia: Crisis, Vulnerabilities, and Regional Responses', Asian Survey, 2005, 45, 3, 475--95. 35. Simon Shen, 'The "SARS Diplomacy" of Beijing and Taipei: Competition Between the Chinese and Non-Chinese Orbits', Asian Perspectives, 2004, 28, 1, 45--65. 36. Frank Smith, 'WHO Governs? Limited Global Governance by the World Health Organization During the SARS Outbreak', Social Alternatives, 2009, 28, 2, 9--12. Part 7: H5N1 37. Laurie Garrett, 'The Next Pandemic?', Foreign Affairs, 2005, 84, 4, 3--23. 38. Julian Palmore, 'A Clear and Present Danger to International Security: Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza', Defense and Security Analysis, 2006, 22, 2, 111--21. 39. Nicholas Thomas, 'The Regionalization of Avian Influenza in East Asia: Responding to the Next Pandemic (?)', Asian Survey, 2006, 46, 6, 917--36. 40. Melissa Curley and Jonathan Herington, 'The Securitisation of Avian Influenza: International Discourses and Domestic Politics in Asia', Review of International Studies, 2011, 37, 141--66. Part 8: H1N1 41. Antoine Flahault and Patrick Zylberman, 'Influenza Pandemics: Past, Present and Future Challenges', Public Health Reviews, 2010, 32, 1, 319--40. 42. Derek Gatherer, 'The 2009 H1N1 Influenza Outbreak in its Historical Context', Journal of Clinical Virology, 2009, 45, 174--8. 43. 'The State's Role and Health: Swine Flu as a Case Study', Public Health, 2009, 123, 8, 521--2. 44. Matthew Thompson and Carl Heneghan, 'Antivirals for Pandemic Influenza: A Triumph of Policy Over Evidence?', Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, 2010, 31, 9, 391--3. 45. Karen Hilyard, Vicki Freimuth, Donald Musa, Supriya Kumar, and Sandra Crouse Quinn, 'The Vagaries of Public Support for Government Actions in Case of a Pandemic', Health Affairs, 2010, 29, 2294--301. 46. Antoine Falhault, Elisabeta Vergu, and Pierre-Yves Boelle, 'Potential for a Global Dynamic of Influenza A (H1N1)', BMC Infectious Diseases, August 2009. 47. Kumanan Wilson, John S Brownstein, and David P. Fidler. 'Strengthening the International Health Regulations: Lessons from the H1N1 pandemic', Journal of Health Policy and Planning, 2010, 25, 6, 505--10. Part 9: Bioterrorism 48. David Fidler, 'Public Health and National Security in the Global Age: Infectious Diseases, Bioterrorism and Realpolitik', George Washington International Law Review, 2003, 35, 4, 787--856. 49. Marc Ostfield, 'Bioterrorism as a Foreign Policy Issue', SAIS Review, 2004, 24, 1, 131--46. 50. G. J. Moran, D. A. Talan, and F. M. Abrahamian, 'Biological Terrorism', Infectious Disease Clinics of North America, 2008, 22, 1, 148--87. 51. Alexander Kelle, 'Securitisation of International Public Health: Implications for Global Health Governance and the Biological Weapons Prohibition Regime', Global Governance, 2007, 13, 2, 217--35. 52. Christian Enemark, 'The Role of the Biological Weapons Convention in Disease Surveillance and Response', Journal of Health Policy and Planning, 2010, 25, 6, 486--94. Volume III: Global Health Governance--Politics, Institutions, and Ethics Part 10: Globalization of Global Health 53. Alexandra M. Stern and Howard Markel, 'International Efforts to Control Infectious Disease, 1851 to the Present', Journal of American Medical Association, 2004, 292, 12, 1474--9. 54. Mark Harrison, 'Disease, Diplomacy and International Commerce: The Origins of International Sanitary Regulation in the Nineteenth Century', Journal of Global History, 2006, 1, 2, 197--217. 55. Richard Dodgson, Kelley Lee, and Nick Drager, 'Global Health Governance: A Conceptual Review', Discussion Paper 1 (World Health Organization and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, 2002). 56. Nona Kickbusch, 'New Players for a New Era: Responding to the Global Public Health Challenges', Journal of Public Health Medicine, 1997, 19, 2, 171--8. 57. Kelly Lee and Richard Dodgson, 'Globalization and Cholera: Implications for Global Governance', Global Governance, 2000, 6, 2, 213--36. 58. Allyn Taylor, 'Governing the Globalization of Public Health', Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 2004, 32, 3, 500--8. 59. Derek Yach and Douglas Bettcher, 'The Globalization of Public Health I: Threats and Opportunities', American Journal of Public Health, 1998, 88, 5, 735--44. 60. Caroline Thomas and Martin Weber, 'The Politics of Global Health Governance: Whatever Happened to "Health for All by the Year 2000"?', Global Governance, 2004, 10, 187--205. 61. T. J. Downs and H. J. Larson, 'Achieving Millennium Development Goals for Health: Building Understanding, Trust and Capacity to Respond', Health Policy, 2007, 83, 144--61. 62. Obijiofor Aginam, 'Between Isolationism and Mutual Vulnerability: A South-North Perspective on Global Governance of Epidemics in an Age of Globalization', Temple Law Review, 2004, 77, 297--312. Part 11: Actors and Governance 63. 'Who Runs Global Health?', The Lancet, 2009, 373, 9681 (20 June 2009), 2083. 64. Jon Cohen, 'The New World of Global Health', Science, 311, 5758 (13 January 2006), 162--7. 65. Kent Buse and Gill Walt, 'Role Conflict? The World Bank and the World's Health', Social Science Medicine, 2000, 50, 2, 177--9. 66. Jennifer Ruger, 'The Changing Role of the World Bank in Global Health', American Journal of Public Health, 2005, 95, 60--70. 67. Daniele Archibugi and Kim Bizzarri, 'The Global Governance of Communicable Diseases: The Case for Vaccine R&D', Law and Policy, 2005, 27, 1, 33--51. 68. Roy Widdus, 'Public-Private Partnerships for Health: Their Main Targets, Their Diversity, and Their Future Directions', Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 2001, 79, 8, 713--20. 69. Kent Buse and Gill Walt, 'Global Public-Private Partnerships: Part II--What are the Health Issues for Global Governance?', Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 2000, 78, 5, 699--709. 70. Augustine Asante and Anthony Zwi, 'Public-Private Partnerships and Global Health Equity: Prospects and Challenges', Indian Journal of Medical Ethics, 2007, 4, 4, 176--80. 71. Nirmala Ravishankar, Paul Gubbins, Rebecca J. Cooley, Katherine Leach-Kemon, Catherine M. Michaud, Dean T. Jamison, and Christopher J. L. Murray, 'Financing of Global Health: Tracking Development Assistance for Health from 1990 to 2007', The Lancet, 373, 9681 (20 June 2009), 2113--24. 72. David McCoy, Sudeep Chand, and Devi Sridhar, 'Global Health Funding: How Much, Where it Comes From and Where it Goes', Health Policy and Planning, 1 July 2009. 73. Garrett Brown, 'Multisectoralism, Participation, and Stakeholder Effectiveness: Increasing the Role of Non-State Actors in the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria', Global Governance, 2009, 15, 2, 169--77. Part 12: Health Governance Framework Issues 74. Andras Miklos, 'Public Health and the Rights of States', Public Health Ethics, 2009, 2, 2, 158--70. 75. Elizabeth Prescott, 'The Politics of Disease: Governance and Emerging Infections', Global Health Governance, 2007, 1, 1, 1--8. 76. Stefan Elbe, 'Haggling Over Viruses: The Downside Risks of Securitizing Infectious Disease', Journal of Health Policy and Planning, 2010, 25, 6, 476--85. 77. Simon Rushton, 'AIDS and International Security in the United Nations System', Journal of Health Policy and Planning, 25, 6, 495--504. 78. Judith R. Kauffmann and Harley Feldbaum, 'Diplomacy and the Polio Immunization Boycott in Northern Nigeria', Health Affairs, 2009, 28, 4, 1091--101. Part 13: Institutions and Protections 79. Michael Baker and David Fidler, 'Global Public Health Surveillance Under New International Health Regulations', Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2006, 12, 7, 1058--65. 80. Philippe Calain, 'Exploring the International Arena of Global Public Health Surveillance', Health Policy and Planning, 2007, 22, 2--12. 81. J. L. Sturdevant, A. Anema, and J. S. Brownstein, 'The New International Health Regulations: Considerations for Global Health Surveillance', Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 2007, 1, 1, 117--21. 82. B. Vallat, J. Pinto, and A. Schudel, 'International Organisations and Their Role in Helping to Protect the Worldwide Community Against Natural and Intentional Biological Disasters', Revue Scientifique et Technique, 2006, 25, 1, 163--72. 83. Theodore M. Brown, Marcos Cueto, and Elizabeth Fee, 'The World Health Organization and the Transition from International to Global Public Health', American Journal of Public Health, 2006, 96, 1, 62--72. 84. Devi Sridhar, Sanjeev Khagram, and Tikki Pang, 'Are Existing Governance Structures Equipped to Deal with Today's Global Health Challenges: Towards Systematic Coherence in Scaling Up', Global Health Governance, 2008/9, 2, 2, 1--25. 85. Giok Ling Ooi and Kai Hong Phua, 'SARS in Singapore: Challenges of a Global Health Threat to Local Institutions', Natural Hazards, 2009, 48, 317--27. Part 14: Civil Society and Health Governance 86. Andrew Green, 'The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations and the Private Sector in the Provision of Health Care in Developing Countries', International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 1987, 2, 1, 37--58. 87. Cathal Doyle and Preeti Patel, 'Civil Society Organisations and Global Health Initiatives: Problems of Legitimacy', Social Science and Medicine, 2008, 66, 9, 1928--38. 88. Lucy Gilson, Priti Dave Sen, Shirin Mohammed, and Phare Mujinja, 'The Potential of Health Sector Non-Governmental Organizations: Policy Options', Health Policy and Planning, 1994, 9, 1, 14--24. 89. Christer Jonsson and Peter Soderholm, 'IGO-NGO Relations and HIV/AIDS: Innovation or Stalemate?', Third World Quarterly, 1995, 16, 3, 459--76. 90. Mark DeHaven, Irby B. Hunter, Laura Wilder, James W. Walton, and Jarett Berry, 'Health Programs in Faith-Based Organizations: Are They Effective?', American Journal of Public Health, 2004, 94, 6, 1030--6. 91. Susan Okie, 'Global Health: The Gates-Buffet Effect', New England Journal of Medicine, 2006, 355, 11, 1084--8. 92. Weiss Robin and Anthony McMichael, 'Social and Environmental Risk Factors in the Emergence of Infectious Diseases', Nature Medicine, 2004, 10, 12, 70--6. 93. Mary Wilson, 'Travel and the Emergence of Infectious Diseases', Emerging Infectious Diseases, 1995, 1, 2, 39--46. 94. Anthony McMichael, 'Environmental and Social Influences on Emerging Infectious Diseases: Past, Present and Future', Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B Biological Science, 2004, 359, 1049--58. Volume IV: Rights, Liberties, and Laws Part 15: Public Goods and Social Norms 95. Nicole Szlezak, Barry Bloom, Dean Jamison, Gerald Keusch, Catherine Michaud, Suerie Moon, and William Clark, 'The Global Health System: Actors, Norms, and Expectations in Transition', PLOS Medicine, 2010, 7. 96. Sabina Alkire and Lincoln Chen, 'Global Health and Moral Values', The Lancet, 364, 1069--74. 97. A. Nunn, E. D. Fonseca, and S. Gruskin, 'Changing Global Essential Medicines Norms to Improve Access to AIDS Treatment: Lessons from Brazil', Global Public Health, 2009, 4, 2, 131--49. 98. Andrew Harmer, 'Understanding Change in Global Health Policy: Ideas, Discourse and Networks', Global Public Health (2010). Part 16: Human Rights 99. Tony Evans, 'A Human Right to Health?', Third World Quarterly, 2002, 23, 2, 197--215. 100. J. M. Mann, L. Gostin, S. Gruskin, T. Brennan, Z. Lazzarini, and H. Fineberg, 'Health and Human Rights', Health and Human Rights, 1994, 1, 6--23. 101. Brigit Toebes, 'Towards an Improved Understanding of the International Human Right to Health', Human Rights Quarterly, 1999, 21, 3, 661--79. 102. Lance Gable, 'The Proliferation of Human Rights in Global Health Governance', Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, Winter 2007, 534--44. 103. Lawrence Gostin, 'Swine Flu Vaccine: What is Fair?', The Hastings Center Report, 2009, 39, 5, 9--10. 104. Nathan Ford, Alexandra Calmy, and Sophia Hurst, 'When to Start Antiretroviral Therapy in Resource-Limited Settings: A Human Rights Analysis', BMC International Health and Human Rights, 2010, 10, 6, 6. 105. Tim Anderson, 'HIV/AIDS in Cuba: A Rights-Based Analysis', Health and Human Rights, 2009, 11, 1, 93--104. 106. Sam Foster Halabi, 'Health Participation and the Right to Health: Lessons from Indonesia', Health and Human Rights, 2009, 11, 1, 49--59. 107. Jeffrey Kullgren, 'Restrictions on Undocumented Immigrants' Access to Health Services: The Public Health Implications of Welfare Reform', American Journal of Public Health, 2003, 93, 10, 1630--3. 108. Anna Mastroianni, 'Slipping through the Net: Social Vulnerability in Pandemic Planning', Hastings Center Report, September--October 2009, pp. 11--12. Part 17: Quarantines and Civil Liberties 109. Richard Coker, Marianna Thomas, Karen Lock, and Robyn Martin, 'Detention and the Evolving Threat of Tuberculosis: Evidence, Ethics, and Law', Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 2007, 35, 609--15. 110. Cecile Bensimon and Ross E. G. Upshur, 'Evidence and Effectiveness in Decisionmaking for Quarantine', American Journal of Public Health, 97, April 2007, 44--8. 111. Joseph Barbera, Anthony Macintyre, Larry Gostin, Tom Inglesby, Tara O'Toole, Craig DeAtley, Kevin Tonat, and Marci Layton, 'Large-Scale Quarantine Following Biological Terrorism in the United States: Scientific Examination, Logistic and Legal Limits, and Possible Consequences', Journal of the American Medical Association, 2001, 286, 21, 2711--17. 112. Michael Stoto, 'Public Health Surveillance in the Twenty-First Century: Achieving Population Health Goals While Protecting Individuals' Privacy and Confidentiality', Georgetown Law Journal, 2008, 96, 703--19. 113. Amy Fairchild, Ronald Bayer, and James Colgrove, 'Privacy, Democracy and the Politics of Disease Surveillance', Public Health Ethics, 2008, 1, 1, 30--8. 114. David Fidler, Lawrence O. Gostin, and Howard Markel, 'Through the Quarantine Looking Glass: Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis and Public Health Governance, Law, and Ethics', Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics, 2007, 616--28. 115. Andreas Schloenhardt, 'Keeping the Ill Out: Immigration Issues in Asia Concerning the Exclusion of Infectious Diseases', Hong Kong Law Journal, 2005, 35, 2, 445--80. 116. Robert Barde, 'Prelude to the Plague: Public Health and Politics at America's Pacific Gateway, 1899', Journal of the History of Medicine, 2003, 58, 153--86.