Healthy Eating for the Time Poor : The Ultimate Guide to Save Time and Money - Lisa Kathleen Daly

Healthy Eating for the Time Poor

The Ultimate Guide to Save Time and Money

By: Lisa Kathleen Daly

Paperback | 4 June 2018

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Typically, women do most of the cooking at home as well as looking after the children and bringing in a part or all of the family's weekly income.

There are 168 hours in a week and on average most women spend 7 to 14 of those hours in the kitchen. Many of those hours are spent during the evening in tasks such as grocery shopping and preparing meals for the family. By the time the cooking and cleaning up is done, there's little time left to spend with the kids or relax. And the next day, it happens all over again. Exhausting!

Healthy Eating for the Time Poor is an ultimate how to guide to change this paradigm and allow women to reclaim their time and allow their natural multi tasking skills to come back into fruition. The book enables us to be the creators of time, rather than being victims of time poverty.

The book is for the busy parent and person who loves to give their family a home cooked, nutritious meal each night, while still having the time to enjoy it with them.

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