Heaven's Currency is a book on investing. The subtitle, Investing in the Things That Matter Most, suggests there is a heirachy of value in the things we invest in. Some things may matter, but other things matter most. If this is true, wouldn't it be smart or wise to discover what are those things that "matter most" and learn how to give priority to those investment opportunities?
Every day we invest money, time, talent, and energy for things we consider important. What do those choices say about us, our direction in life? Is there something more, an eternal perspective we may be giving little attention to or ignorning completely?
This book is built on the premise that we live simultaneously in two worlds that are often in competition with each other.The physical world in which we live out our short allotment of time is concerned with marketing to our immediate needs and wants. In this marketplace, advertisers attempt to create a sense of need or lack of personal importance that their product can meet. It is about survival, self, wealth, popularity, and power. People who live only for this life will die and forfeit all the material possessions and power they have accumulated. More tragically, they will also lose their soul and the opportunity to experience the rewards of heaven.
The other world, though unseen, is every bit as real as the one we experience with our physical senses. That world is the Kingdom of Heaven, and has a set of values that matter most. And like the earthly kingdom whose currency is money, heaven has a currency Heaven and those who follow the teachings and example of Jesus embrace love as the operating currency of all its transactions. Those who choose Jesus as their Lord will die but what they have done through love will not be lost. Rewards will be waiting for them in heaven.
Heaven's Currency encourages the reader to explore the question of what matters most and discover how they can experience a life filled with deep meaning and purpose in all their relationships.
To accomplish this goal, the author develops the book with fifteen chapters under four headings or sections: Part One: Becoming a Savvy Investor, Part Two: Investing to Maximize Your ROI, Part Three: Extraordinary Investment Opportunities, and Part Four: Return on Your Investment.