How do I install the Booktopia eReader App on my Smartphone/Tablet?
iOS and Android
- Install the Booktopia by Rakuten Kobo app from the App Store for iOS or Google Play Store for Android.
- Launch the app and sign in with your Booktopia email address and password. Once you’re signed in, the app may take a few minutes to sync your digital library.
- For iOS: On the bottom part of your home page, tap on "Books".
- For Android: Tap on the menu icon on the top left corner of your screen, and tap on "My Books". It will display all of the books that are available in your account.
- Tap the cover of the book that you would like to read and then tap the 'Download' button.
Please note that the download time depends on the size of the eBook and your internet connection speed.
If you are experiencing trouble with your download, please feel free to reach out via Live Chat; our friendly team is happy to assist.