Homeopathic Treatment of Sports Injuries : No - Lyle W. Morgan II

Homeopathic Treatment of Sports Injuries

By: Lyle W. Morgan II

Paperback | 13 January 2000

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A practicing homeopathic physician discusses the homeopathic remedies and first-aid procedures appropriate for treating common athletic problems, from heat-stress to sprains. He shows how homeopathic preparations work quickly to help the body initiate its own healing.

- Easy to reference, this handbook lists common injuries as well as general medical problems associated with sports--including skin, eye, ear, nose, throat, gastrointestinal, and genito-urinary complaints--and details the symptoms and homeopathic prescriptions for each.

- Appendices note suppliers of homeopathic remedies, related medical associations, and publishers who offer books on the subject.

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