Hormonal Control of Protein Synthesis in Plants.- 1, Protein synthesis and the hormone action on plant development 1, Control at the translation level 5, Cytokinins in transfer RNA 5, Incorporation of cytokinins into ribosomal RNA 6, Control at the transcription level 14, Gibberellins 17, Cytokinins 21, Abscisic acid 26, Control at the membrane level 27, Literature cited 31.- Auxin-enhanced Elongation.- 37, The gene expression hypothesis 37, A summary hypothesis 40, Further research directions 42, Literature cited 43.- Hormonal Regulation of Abnormal Growth in Plants.- 45, Genetic tumors 45, Virus tumors 47, Crown gall 48, Fasciation and false broomrape diseases 49, Green ear disease of peralmillet 50, Clubroot 50, Rust galls 51, Other abnormal symptoms 5I, Insect-and mite-galls 52, Root-knot galls 54, conclusions 55, Literature cited 55.- Hormonal Regulation of Development in Mosses.- 65, Endogenous growth regulators 66, Cytokinins 67, Ethylene 68, Acetylcholine 69, Cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate-69, Unidentified growth regulators 69, Biosynthesis and degradation 70, Auxin 70, Cytokinins 72, Uptake and transport 73, Physiological reactions 76, Auxins 76, Cytokinins 78, Literature cited 82.- Some Phenolics as Plant Growth and Morphogenesis Regulators.- 89, Phenolics and plant growth 89, Biosynthesis of phenolics and phytohosmones 93, Phenolics and light 95, Effect of natural inhibitors on activity of phytohormones and on metabolic processes in plants 97, Conclusion 99, Literature cited 100.- Plant Growth Regulating Properties of Sterol-inhibiting Fungicides.- 103, Isopernoid pathway 103, Senescence and chlorophyll 107, Protection against stresses 108, A hypothesis 109, The future 110, Conclusion 110, Literature cited 111.- Hormonal Regulation of Sex Expression in Plants.- 115, Materials and methods 117, Effects of phytohormones and inhibitors on sex expression in dioecious plants when applied through the root system 118, Effect of different organs and phytohormones in sex expression in dioecious plants 119, Roles of phytohormones and organs in sex expression in monoecious plants 121, Effects of phytohormones and growth inhibitors, applied individually or in combination 123, Biological activities of cytokinins and gibberellins in dioecious plants 124, General idea of sex expression in dioecious and monoecious plants 126, Regulation of sex expression in isolated embryo of hemp 127, Effects of phytohormones and inhibitors of nucleic acids and protein metabolism on sex expression in hemp 128, Immunodiffusional analysis the apices of male and female plants 129, Conclusion 130. Literature cited 140.- Water Relations and Plant Growth Regulators.- 151, Abscisic acid 152, Auxins and ethylene 157, Cytokinins 160, Gibberellins 164, Conclusion 164, Literature cited.- Hormonal Regulation of Root Development Under Water Stress.- 171, Root growth hormones 171, Physiology of adventitious root formation 173, Exogenous hormonal application 173, Influence of irradiance 174, Water relations 177, Interaction between water stress and irradiance level 179, Possible involvement of ABA and ethylene in the adventitious root formation in the stress cuttings 181, Conclusion 183, Literature cited 184.- Gravity Perception and Response Mechanism in Graviresponding Cereal Grass Shoots.- 189, Gravity perception 189, Which pulvini are capable of responding to gravistimulation ? 189, When is upward bending first initiated in cereal grass leaf-sheath pulvini? 190, Does the upward bending response in the cereal grass leaf-sheath pulvinus require an optimum weight of tissue to be present beyond the pulvinus? 191, Mechanism of upward bending response 192, Methods of proteins analysis and enzyme activity assays 193, What protein change in response to gravistimulation 194, What changes occur in enzyme activities following gravistimulation of barley shoots? 194, Cascade of events that could explain the mechanism of negative gravitropic curvature in cereal grass shoots 197, Literature cited 199.- Hormonal Regulation of Leaf Growth Senescence in Relation to Stomatal Movements.- 201, Leaf growth of dicotyledoneous plants 202, Some earlier studies 202, Influence of Hormones on leaf cell enlargement 202, Fusicossin-stimulated leaf growth 203, Light-stimulated leaf growth 203, Leaf senescence in darkness 205, Changes in chlorophyll and protein content 205, GA-delayed leaf senescence 206, Leaf senescence in light 207, Hormonal regulation of stomatal movement 209, Some general considerations 209, Phytohormone-mediated stomatal movements 210, Conclusions 212, Literature cited 214.- The Chloroindole Auxins of Pea and Related Species.- 221, Chloroindole isolation 221, Chemistry 223, Occurrence 223, Determination 225, Biological activity 227, Analogue activity 230, Biosynthesis 231, Biological role 231, Literature cited 232.