Housing in the UK : National comparisons in typology, condition and cost of poor housing - Helen Garrett

Housing in the UK

National comparisons in typology, condition and cost of poor housing

By: Helen Garrett, Nowak Tad, Justine Piddington

Paperback | 23 January 2014 | Edition Number 1

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There is a regular call for UK housing statistics to compare them with international countries. However, statistics in the UK are compiled from the four separate and different housing stock surveys in Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and England which is difficult to combine as a unified whole. This report addresses a UK comparison to explain the, sometimes surprising, differences between the housing stocks, and quantifies the total repair bill and cost of poor housing to the UK. Using the results of the English Housing Survey, Northern Ireland House Condition Survey, Living in Wales and Scottish House Condition Survey the report provides key information on the housing stock profile and condition.

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