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How Proust Can Change Your Life - Alain de Botton

How Proust Can Change Your Life

By: Alain de Botton

Paperback | 1 June 1998 | Edition Number 1

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What a marvellous book this is ... de Botton dissects what (Proust) had to say about friendship, reading, looking carefully, paying attention taking your time, being alive and adds his own delicious commentary.

The result is an intoxicating as it is wise, amusing as well as stimulating, and presented in so fresh a fashion as to be unique ..

About the Author

Alain de Botton is the author of eight bestselling books including The Consolations of Philosophy, The Art of Travel and Essays in Love. He was born in 1969 and lives in London.
Industry Reviews
What can we learn from a reclusive mummy's-boy who spent the last 12 years of his life closeted like an anchorite in a cork-lined study? Anything that's worth knowing, as these elegant essays point out. Whether or not to let a friend know what's on your mind, for instance, and why it is good for the soul if your loved one refuses to meet you for dinner. Alain de Botton clearly knows his Proust back to front, but he wears his knowledge lightly and writes with wit and verve. More fun than any number of tantric sex manuals and better for you to boot. (Kirkus UK)

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