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How to Build Dry-Stacked Stone Walls : Design and Build Walls, Bridges and Follies Without Mortar - John Shaw-Rimmington

How to Build Dry-Stacked Stone Walls

Design and Build Walls, Bridges and Follies Without Mortar

By: John Shaw-Rimmington

Paperback | 1 November 2016

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With this book and some imagination anyone can build a beautiful stone wall.

'How to Build Dry-Stacked Stone Walls' shows how to build a wall using the traditional method of dry stone masonry in which carefully selected stones are properly stacked and held together without mortar. As well as being beautiful, a dry stone wall is stronger, more stable, and more resistant to climate than a mortared wall.

The book features more than 100 full colour photographs of walls, bridges and decorative garden elements in various steps of construction as well as illustrations that show the steps and cross sections that illustrate the building methods.

Author John Shaw-Rimmington explains how to build a dry stacked stone wall, coursed walling, bridges, follies and more. He explains the important principles that contribute to the structural integrity of each.

He covers all of the essential elements of dry stone building:

• Design
• The foundation
• Packing or backfilling within the wall
• Slope of a wall face, an "A" profile provides stability
• Bridge stones that span the width of the wall
• Coping, the top stones of a wall
• Weight-bearing stones in an arch, bridge, dome, etc.

Shaw-Rimmington then guides the reader through the building process. With dedication to the task and the author's experienced guidance, the only limit is imagination.

About the Author

John Shaw-Rimmington is an accomplished heritage and dry stone mason. He lives in Port Hope, Ontario, where he divides his time between designing, teaching, traveling to do demonstration walling events and commissioned works for private clients across North America.
Industry Reviews
A perfect resource for anyone thinking about venturing into designing with rock.--William Scheick"Texas Gardener's Seeds" (12/07/2016)

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