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How to Win in Commercial Real Estate Investing : FInd, Evaluate & Purchase Your First Commercial Property - in 9 Weeks or Less - R. Craig Coppola

How to Win in Commercial Real Estate Investing

FInd, Evaluate & Purchase Your First Commercial Property - in 9 Weeks or Less

By: R. Craig Coppola

Paperback | 21 May 2024

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When it comes to investing in commercial real estate, it's easy to
make a why risk it? Improve your chances of success with a
book researched, lived, and written by a master of commercial real
estate: Craig Coppola. Craig has navigated the markets, ridden economic
ups and downs, and bought and sold countless commercial projects - and
he's mastered the world of brokerage, leasing and investing.

will learn how to set their own commercial investment goals and create a
plan to achieve them, see opportunities with new "real-estate eyes,"
perform due diligence on a property with minimal cost, use a proven
step-by-step process for evaluating properties to weed out losers and
showcase winners, and traverse the minefield of letters of intent and

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