Humanity-At-Its- Best - Glenn Hoffarth

Humanity-At-Its- Best

By: Glenn Hoffarth

eBook | 20 December 2023

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In a world saturated with war, political corruption, extreme inequality, and environmental decay, it becomes difficult to create and adhere to a moral code that allows a person to successfully navigate the ethical challenges of human society. Human societies in the past have also born witness to the same social ills that plague us today.

Throughout history there have been many prophets and sages who have implored their fellow citizens to avoid unethical behavior and instead to choose a path of virtue. One such sage was Confucius. Nearly 2500 years ago he advised his students to be examples of "Manhood-at-its-Best" through adherence to maintaining proper harmonious relationships. I have given the concept of "Manhood-at-its-Best" a modern, gender-neutral update, as well as additional relationships to improve one's moral development. It is my hope that this book, which uses the wisdom from cultures both present and past, will help those seekingto live a virtuous life find the harmony and justice they are searching for.
