I Love Me - Sally Morgan

I Love Me

By: Sally Morgan, Ambelin Kwaymullina

Board Book | 30 July 2018 | Edition Number 3

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A celebration of individuality and joyous selfesteem, in bouncy, rhythmic prose and riotous colour.

About the Author

Sally Morgan is one of Australia's best-known Aboriginal artists and writers.

For as long as she can remember, Sally wanted to paint and write but at school she was discouraged from expressing herself through her art because her teachers failed to see the promise in her individual style. It was not until she researched her family history and discovered her Aboriginal identity that she found meaning in her images and gained the confidence to pick up her paints again.

Sally’s widely-acclaimed first book, My Place, has sold over half a million copies in Australia. Her children's picture story books include Little Piggies and Hurry Up Oscar. She has collaborated with artist and illustrator Bronwyn Bancroft on several picture books including Dan's Grampa. Curly and the Fent was written by Sally in collaboration with her children Ambelin, Blaze and Ezekiel.

Sally is a Professor at the Centre for Aboriginal Studies at the University of Western Australia and lives in Perth with her three children.

Ambelin Kwaymullina is an Aboriginal writer and illustrator from the Palyku people. The homeland of her people is located in the dry, vivid beauty of the Pilbara region of Western Australia. Ambelin has written and illustrated a number of award winning picture books as well as writing a dystopian series – 'the Tribe' – for Young Adults. When not writing or illustrating, Ambelin teaches law and spends time with her family and her dogs.

Sally Morgan Picture Books

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I Love Me : Celebrate individuality and boost self-esteem - Sally Morgan
Where is Galah? - Sally Morgan

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Bush Bash! - Sally Morgan


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My Country - Ezekiel Kwaymullina


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We All Sleep - Ezekiel Kwaymullina

Board Book

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In Your Dreams - Sally Morgan


Dan's Grandpa - Sally Morgan

