I'm Not A Numbers Person : How to make good decisions in a data-rich world - Dr Selena Fisk

I'm Not A Numbers Person

How to make good decisions in a data-rich world

By: Dr Selena Fisk

Paperback | 26 April 2022 | Edition Number 1

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Product Description
A practical and fascinating guide from leading data expert Dr Selena Fisk that teaches us how to make informed decisions using the numbers around us so we can work smarter and live better.

Data is everywhere. Smart watches track our steps and heart rate, social media platforms recommend people we might know and products we might like, and map applications suggest when we should leave home depending on the traffic.

From organising your home budget and understanding social media metrics, to running a side hustle or a multi-national, multi-million-dollar organisation, having the mindset 'but I'm not a numbers person' is no longer helpful or accurate.

Data coach and storyteller Dr Selena Fisk believes we can all improve the way we read, use and interpret the data that we're given to make better decisions and enhance our impact.

I'm Not A Numbers Person takes us through the 'why' of data, the types of data we often see and use in life and work, and the key areas of data literacy, which is understanding the data and what it all means, and data visualisation, which is where we make the data look beautiful in tables, graphs or other visuals.

But the most important thing you'll learn will be how to engage in data storytelling, which is finding and using the most important data to make really good decisions for yourself, your team and your organisation.

Whether you're a solopreneur, a small business owner, an emerging leader, or in an executive leadership role, this book is a must-have guide to understanding data and making decisions in the 21st century.
Industry Reviews

Data can be intimidating for many people. Fisk's book provides a valuable lifeline to anyone who aspires to start using data on a more regular basis but doesn't know where to begin or how to get started. She lays out the key data concepts and skills you'll need to initiate your journey into the numbers with confidence.

Brent Dykes, Chief Data Storyteller, Analytics Hero, LLC

Thanks to technology, love it or not, data is everywhere. This book serves as an essential guide that helps all develop comfort and confidence in not just understanding and navigating data better, but in embracing and leveraging it in ways that help us improve the way we live and work. A must-read!

Jake Sapirstein, Founder and Head of Strategy, LiftCentro

In this book Selena shows you exactly how to integrate data and storytelling in a succinct, easy-to-understand and practical way. I cannot recommend this book enough - it is a must-read for all leaders in all areas of business.

Winitha Bonney OAM, Diversity and Inclusion Expert

I'm Not a Numbers Person is the book you want every person in your company to read to have better conversations about the business. Whether you lead a team, need to find more customers, or want more confidence in your decisions, this book is your go-to resource. CEOs and HR leaders - you need to get I'm Not a Numbers Person for every employee!

Geraldine Ree, Experienced SVP, author and speaker

'Emotional' and 'engaging' are not words commonly associated with analytical books, but Selena's storytelling method breathes life into the numbers. I'm Not a Numbers Person is written in a way that encourages you to think and reflect on your own circumstances, then gives you the tools to develop your own abilities.

Ian Wiltshire, Chief Information Officer

Selena's work engages, inspires and challenges people in an authentic manner. Personnel in our organisation are richer for the opportunity to have experienced Selena's passionate message that is so relevant to contemporary business. We all now see our data stories, and those of our clients, as integral to business improvement and maximising impact.

Catherine Jackson, Director, Leopard Tree Consulting

Selena shares practical, thought-provoking insights in her book that challenge individuals and teams to engage with data to inform decisions and to tell the story of the business: past, present and future. I highly recommend this book to both aspiring and experienced leaders who want to accelerate their leadership and management capacity.

Liam Kelly, CEO, Southern Cross Motel Group

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