I'm With Her - Victoria Midwinter Pitt

I'm With Her

By: Victoria Midwinter Pitt

Paperback | 1 March 2022

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In the era of #MeToo and #Time'sUp, millions of women are sharing their stories of abuse and discrimination. But inside all our stories there's a part we don't always tell—a seed of heroic resistance.

I'm With Her was written by Walkley Award winner Victoria Midwinter Pitt from frank and intimate conversations with eight extraordinary women: counter-terrorism expert Anne Aly MP, sex worker activist Julie Bates, botanist Marion Blackwell, world champion surfer Pam Burridge, bartender Nikki Keating, Catholic nun Patricia Madigan, anthropologist and indigenous leader Marcia Langton and Australia's first female prime minister, Julia Gillard.

Together, they light up the golden thread that runs right through the patriarchy, and may yet be its undoing: the strengths women use to keep turning up to our own lives. It is a thrilling real-life demonstration, by the ultimate girl gang, of the power of women to outlast, outwit and out-muscle the great ugly beast of sexism.

'This play burns with the generational energy of its characters, young and old. It reminds us—all women—of how much power we have in being ourselves.'—June Oscar AO, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Social Justice Commissioner
'A brave and beautiful show. As a piece of resistance, it's bloody brilliant.'—Sydney Morning Herald
'Darkly funny'—On The Town
'A firestorm. A cultural milestone for Australian feminism'—Audrey Journal
Industry Reviews
"This play burns with the generational energy of its characters, young and old. It reminds usall womenof how much power we have in being ourselves." -- June Oscar AO, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Social Justice Commissioner
"A brave and beautiful show. As a piece of resistance, its bloody brilliant." -- Sydney Morning Herald
"Darkly funny." -- On The Town
"A firestorm. A cultural milestone for Australian feminism" -- Audrey Journal

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