I Want to Be a Scientist : I Want to Be - DAN LIEBMAN

I Want to Be a Scientist


Hardcover | 1 December 2016

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Some scientists study plants. Others study the stars. And others study the oceans. This book explains what different scientists do and what they need to know. Photographs show scientists exploring the world around them.

With full-colour, full-page photographs throughout plus straightforward and engaging text, the I Want to Be ... series is an appealing introduction to a broad spectrum of occupations. The series gives young children a realistic insight into the working day of adults. Easy-to-read captions and colour photographs of women and men from different cultures help children understand what's involved in each occupation. Young readers learn to respect the importance of doing a job well and appreciate the contributions these workers make to our life and the world around us.

These books are perfect for reading alone or in group story times. They are certain to spark questions and encourage dialogue and prompt children to learn more about these occupations.

About the Author

Dan Liebman is a magazine writer and the author of many children's books. He is a specialist in plain language for both young and adult readers.
Industry Reviews
Scientist concentrates mainly on the question "What does a scientist do?" by briefly spotlighting specialists in one field of study after another, page by page: botanists, geologists, marine biologists, paleontologists, and, more broadly, archaeologists and "scientists who make robots." The series offers books that may be useful to teachers introducing careers to young children, and certain volumes will fit right into Community Helpers units as well.--Carolyn Phelan"Booklist" (11/15/2016)

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