If I Ran the Circus : Classic Seuss - Dr Seuss

If I Ran the Circus

By: Dr Seuss

Hardcover | 12 October 1956

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Dr. Seuss''s classic celebration of youthful imagination!
The Circus McGurkus! The World''s Greatest Show
On the face of the earth, or wherever you go!
Young Morris McGurk''s has a BIG imagination. He wants to turn the vacant lot behind Sneelock''s Store into the Circus McGurkus—the most colossal, stupendous, tremendous show in the world! Here you''ll be entertained by bizarre creatures like the Drum-Tummied Snum, the Juggling Jott, and the Harp-Twanging Snarp, and fantastic circus acts performed by Sneelock—a sleepy shop keeper whom Morris images as the daredevil star of his big top! This is Dr. Seuss at his best, celebrating youthful imagination and creating a fantasy world that will delight and transport readers of all ages.

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