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If they could talk about walking again : Canine Cruciate Surgery Rehabilitation Program: A 10 week detailed program of specific approaches, exercises, - Rowan Kilmartin

If they could talk about walking again

Canine Cruciate Surgery Rehabilitation Program: A 10 week detailed program of specific approaches, exercises,

By: Rowan Kilmartin

Paperback | 13 September 2022

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If they could talk about walking again: Canine Cruciate Surgery Rehabilitation Program is a book about how you can help your pet recover and become mobile after they have undergone cruciate surgery. This manual includes tracking sheet tables to mark off your daily progress for each week. There is a detailed description of each exercise, massage, or movement and just how much walking they can do. These manual details a comprehensive program with aim of getting your pet back to the way they were before the injury.

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