Imagenes : An Introduction to Spanish Language and Cultures - Debbie Rusch


An Introduction to Spanish Language and Cultures

By: Debbie Rusch, Marcela Domínguez, Lucía Caycedo Garner

Hardcover | 1 January 2013 | Edition Number 3

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IMï½GENES, Third Edition, takes a functional, integrated skills approach specifically designed to help students develop receptive and productive skills simultaneously that are critical in learning Spanish. When using IMï½GENES students acquire communicative skills while gaining an awareness of Hispanic cultures. The program's practical, relevant themes, lively practice, and engaging technology components get learners communicating early and confidently. The exciting new third edition will contain a greater focus on the cultures of Spanish-speaking countries and have two new video blogs in each chapter to provide input of chapter functions and vocabulary. IMï½GENES will keep students motivated as they learn and explore the many cultures of Spanish-speaking world.
Industry Reviews
CAPITULO PRELIMINAR: BIENVENIDOS AL MUNDO HISPANO Las presentaciones. Los saludos y las despedidas. Paises de habla espanola y sus capitales. Expresiones para la clase. Deletreo y pronunciacion de palabras: El alfabeto. Acentuacion (Stress). Cultura: Countries with most Spanish-speakers; Tu vs. usted; Use of adios; The abrazo and beso; Spanish-speaking countries and capitals; Spanish in the world; Facts about the Spanish alphabet. How to read acronyms. CAPITULO 1. 'QUIEN ES? (HISPANOS EN LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS). Para ver I. Mi video blog numero 1. Vocabulario esencial I. Los numeros del cero al cien: II. Las nacionalidades: Gramatica para la comunicacion I. Talking About Yourself and Others (Part I): Subject Pronouns. Asking and Giving One's Name: Llamarse. Stating Origin: Ser + de, ser + nationality. Indicating One's Age: Tener. Nuevos horizontes. Reading Strategy: Scanning. Lectura: "Los hispanos en los Estados Unidos". Vocabulario esencial II. Las ocupaciones: Discussing occupations. Para ver II. Mis padres y amigos. Gramatica para la comunicacion II. Talking About Yourself and Others (Part II): Subject Pronouns in the Singular and Plural. The Verbs llamarse, tener, and ser. Plural Forms of Occupations and Adjectives of Nationality. Asking Information and Negating: Question formation; Negating. Mas alla. Cancion: "La bamba", Los lobos. Video: El mes de la herencia hispana. Cultura. Points of interest in Chicago and Los Angeles on Para ver I video; Two last names on Para ver I video; Reading telephone numbers; Referring to people from the U.S.; Hispanics vs. Latino in the U.S.; Demographics of Hispanics in the U.S.; Origin of Hispanics in the U.S.; Spanish words used in English and English words used in Spanish; Diversity of Hispanics; Famous Hispanics. Material reciclado. Introductions (P); Country names (P); Llamarse (P); Ser de + place (P); Tu vs. Ud. (P); Alphabet (P); Geography (P).' CAPITULO 2. 'TE GUSTA? (CUBA, PUERTO RICO, LA REPUBLICA DOMINICANA Y PANAMA). Para ver I. Una visita a Puerto Rico. Vocabulario esencial I. La habitacion de un estudiante universitario. Gramatica para la comunicacion I. Using Gender and Number: Gender. Plural Formation. Expressing Likes and Dislikes (Part I): Gustar. Expressing Possession: The Preposition de; Possessive Adjectives. Nuevos horizontes. Reading Strategy: Identifying Cognates. Lectura: "Facultad de Ciencias de la Computacion". Writing Strategy: Connecting Ideas. Vocabulario esencial II. Acciones. Los dias de la semana. Para ver II. Planes para la Republica Dominicana y Panama. Gramatica para la comunicacion II. Expressing Likes and Dislikes (Part II): Gustar. Expressing Obligation: Tener que. Making Plans: ir a. Mas alla. Canciones: "!Vive!", "Estrellitas y duendes" y "Merengue con letra". Video: La ruta del carnaval dominicano. Cultura. Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, and Panama throughout the chapter and on the Para ver I and II videos; History of Puerto Rico; Where college students live; Baseball; University systems including the facultad; Kunas and Tainos; Merengue, bachata, bolero, salsa, hip-hop, and regueton; Carnaval de las Tablas; Carnaval in the Dominican Republic. Material reciclado. Tener (1); Ser (1); Question formation (1); Negation (1).'Geography (P). CAPITULO 3. 'QUE HACES HOY? (COSTA RICA Y NICARAGUA). Para ver I. Una entrevista en Playa Jaco. Vocabulario esencial I. Lugares. Gramatica para la comunicacion I. Indicating Location: Estar + en + place. Talking About the Present (Part I): The Present Indicative of Regular Verbs. Talking About the Present (Part II): The Present Indicative of Verbs with Irregular yo Forms. Nuevos horizontes. Reading Strategy: Dealing with Unfamiliar Words. Lectura: "'Que hacer este fin de semana en San Jose?" Writing Strategy: Using Models. Vocabulario esencial II. El fisico y la personalidad: Ser + Adjective. Las emociones y los estados: Estar + Adjective. Para ver II. Hay familias... y... FAMILIAS. Gramatica para la comunicacion II. Describing Yourself and Others: Adjective Agreement; Position of Adjectives; Ser/estar + Adjective. Discussing Actions in Progress: Present Indicative and Present Progressive. Mas alla. Cancion: "!Pura vida!", Chino Espinosa y los Duenos del Son. Video: Costa Rica: Sin ingredientes artificiales. Pelicula: Sugar. Cultura. Points of interest in Costa Rica and Nicaragua throughout the chapter. Sarchi; Costa Rican democracy and Oscar Arias; Specialty stores vs. mercados vs. supermercados vs. hipermercados; El Gueguense; Luis Enrique Mejia; Nicaragua a land of lakes, volcanoes, and poets (Dario, Cardenal, Belli); Connotations of the word familia. Baseball in the Caribbean. Material reciclado. Origin (P); Geography (P); Occupations (1); Class subjects (2); Common nouns (1, 2); Gustar (2); Estar (P); Tener que (2); Ir a (2); Actions (2). CAPITULO 4. UN DIA TIPICO (BOLIVIA, ECUADOR Y PERU). Para ver I. Mi dia tipico. Vocabulario esencial I. Las partes del cuerpo. Acciones reflexivas. Gramatica para la comunicacion I. Describing Daily Routines: Reflexive Verbs. The Personal a. Nuevos horizontes. Reading Strategy: Predicting. Lectura: "Machu Picchu: El lugar misterioso de los incas". Writing Strategy: Brainstorming and Outlining. Vocabulario esencial II. El tiempo, las estaciones y la fechas. Para ver II. Las vacaciones. Gramatica para la comunicacion II. Talking About Who and What You Know: Saber and conocer. Pointing Out and Referencing: Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns. Mas alla. Cancion: "Esta es mi tierra", Eva Ayllon. Video: Bolivia. Cultura. Points of interest in Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru throughout the chapter; The geographic and ethnic diversity of Peru; Francisco Pizarro; Sayings and proverbs; Incas and Machu Picchu; seasons and academic calendar in the Southern Hemisphere; Titicaca and the Galapagos; The cajon and charango as part of Criolla music. Material reciclado. Present indicative (3); Ir a + infinitive and tener que + infinitive (2); Ir a + place (3); Estar (3); Objects (2); Places (3); Time expressions (2); Ser and estar with adjectives (3); Cardinal numbers (1); Occupations (1); Nationalities (1); Age (1).' CAPITULO 5. LOS PLANES Y LAS COMPRAS (MEXICO). Para ver I. 'Que hacemos hoy? Vocabulario esencial I. La hora, los minutos y los segundos. Las sensaciones. Gramatica para la comunicacion I. Expressing Habitual and Future Actions and Actions in Progress: Stem-changing Verbs. Nuevos horizontes. Reading Strategy: Activating Background Knowledge. Lectura: "Celebraciones mexicanas". Writing Strategy: Sequencing. Vocabulario esencial II. Los colores. La ropa y los materiales. Para ver II. El desfile de modas. Gramatica para la comunicacion II. Indicating Purpose, Destination, and Duration: Para and por. Indicating the Location of a Person, Thing, or Event: Estar en and ser en. Mas alla. Cancion: "24 horas", Cafe Tacuba. Video: El Dia de los Muertos. Cultura. Points of interest in Mexico throughout the chapter; El Zocalo; Places to visit in Mexico City; 24-hour clock; Hispanics and time; Daily routine in Mexico, meal time and the almuerzo in Mexico vs. other countries; Store and restaurant hours; Mexican festivities (la Virgen de Guadalupe, Posadas, Dia de los Muertos); La guayabera y el rebozo; Oaxaca; Diego Rivera and Frida Khalo. Material reciclado. Adjectives of nationality(1); Tener (1, 2); Descriptive adjectives (3); Ser/estar (3); Ser de + place (1); Days of the week (2); Gustar (2); Reflexives (4); Cardinal numbers (1); Present indicative (3); Geography (P). CAPITULO 6. AYER Y HOY (COLOMBIA Y VENEZUELA). Para ver I. El padre de Julieta. Vocabulario esencial I. Los numeros del cien al millon. Preposiciones de lugar. Gramatica para la comunicacion I. Talking About the Past: The Preterit (Regular Verbs; Ir, ser, and hacer; Time Expressions Including Hace... que + Preterit). Indicating Relationships: Prepositions and Prepositional Pronouns. Nuevos horizontes. Reading Strategy: Skimming. Lectura: "La leyenda de Guatavita". Writing Strategy: Chronological Order. Vocabulario esencial II. La familia de Julieta. Para ver II. La boda en Caracas. Gramatica para la comunicacion II. Using Indirect-Object Pronouns. Using Affirmative and Negative Words. Mas alla. Cancion: "'Cuando fue?", Victor Escalona. Video: Conoce Venezuela. Pelicula: Maria llena eres de gracia. Cultura. Chivas; Points of interest in Bogota; Museo del Oro and La Catedral de Sal; Gustavo Dudamel; Famous Colombians and Venezuelans; Family and the responsibility of its members; Venezuelan geography (including oil reserves, la Isla Margarita, el Salto Angel, and tepuyes). Material reciclado. Cardinal numbers (1); Estar for location (3); Reflexives (4); Stem-changing verbs (5) Days of the week and other time divisions (2); Present indicative (3, 4, 5); Ir a + infinitive (2).' CAPITULO 7. LOS VIAJES (ESPANA). Para ver I. Paseando por Madrid. Vocabulario esencial I. El telefono. En el hotel. Gramatica para la comunicacion I. Talking about the Past (Part I): Irregular Verbs in the Preterit. Change of Meaning in the Preterit. Talking about the Past (Part II): Stem-Changing Verbs in the Preterit. Expressing the Duration of an Action: Hace + Time Expression + que + Verb in the Present. Nuevos horizontes. Reading Strategy: Identifying Main Ideas. Lectura: "Historia de Espana". Writing Strategy: The Paragraph. Vocabulario esencial II. Medios de transporte. El pasaje y el aeropuerto. Para ver II. 'Pasajeros tipicos? Gramatica para la comunicacion II. Indicating Time and Age in the Past: Ser and tener. Avoiding Redundancies: Direct-Object Pronouns. Mas alla. Cancion: "Al Andalus", David Bisbal. Video: Apueste por Sevilla. Cultura. World soccer champions; Madrid; Different cultures in Spanish history; Information on Spain; Making phone calls; Text messaging abbreviations; Paradores in Spain; Barcelona; Languages spoken in Spain; The patria chica; Don Juan Tenorio; The royal family; Seville and Andalucia. Material reciclado. Large numbers (1, 6); Time expressions; Stem-changing verbs (5); Hace que + Preterit (6); Question words (1); Preterit (6) Telling time (5); Telling age (1); Family (6).' CAPITULO 8. LA COMIDA Y LOS DEPORTES (GUATEMALA, HONDURAS, AND EL SALVADOR). Para ver I. Comida casera en un restaurante guatemalteco. Vocabulario esencial I. La comida. Gramatica para la comunicacion I. Expressing Likes, Dislikes, and Opinions: Using Verbs Like gustar. Avoiding Redundancies: Combining Direct and Indirect-Object Pronouns. Using ya and todavia. Nuevos horizontes. Reading Strategy: Finding References. Lectura: "El padre Antonio y su monaguillo Andres", Ruben Blades. Writing Strategy: Avoiding Redundancy. Vocabulario esencial II. Los deportes. Los articulos deportivos. Para ver II. !!Goooooooooooolllll!!! Gramatica para la comunicacion II. Describing in the Past: Formation of the Imperfect. Using the Imperfect. Mas alla. Cancion: "Te encontrare", Ricardo Arjona. Video: El Salvador tiene todo incluido. Cultura. Points of interest in Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador throughout the Chapter; Tikal, Copan and Joya de Ceren; Regional foods in Spanish-speaking countries; Setting the table for an elegant meal; Courses of a meal (platos); Salvadoran Restaurant menu; Comercio justo and coffee exports; Oscar Romero; Soccer, baseball and other sports; Garifunas; Childhood fantasies; Christmas and Holy Week traditions. Material reciclado. Indirect- and direct-object pronouns (6, 7); Gustar (2); Preterit (6, 7); Telling time in the past (78); Telling age in the past (7).' CAPITULO 9. COSAS QUE OCURRIERON (ARGENTINA, CHILE, PARAGUAY AND URUGUAY). Para ver I. Un accidente en las vacaciones. Vocabulario esencial I. La salud. Los medicamentos y otras palabras relacionadas. Gramatica para la comunicacion I. Narrating and Describing in the Past (Part I): The Preterit and the Imperfect. Narrating and Describing in the Past (Part II): Time expressions. Nuevos horizontes. Reading Strategy: Approaching Literature. Lectura: "Tragedia", Vicente Huidobro. Writing Strategy: Narrating in the Past. Vocabulario esencial II. El carro. Para ver I. El cruce de la frontera a Chile. Gramatica para la comunicacion II. Narrating and Describing in the Past (Part III): Expressing Past Intentions and Responsibilities: Iba a + infinitive and tenia/tuve que + infinitive. Saber and conocer in the Imperfect and Preterit. Describing: Past Participle as an Adjective. Mas alla. Cancion: "Te recuerdo Amanda", Victor Jara. Video: Paraguay. Pelicula: Tiempo de valientes. Cultura. Points of interest including Buenos Aires, Colonia, Iguazu Falls and the tango; Demographics about Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay; El mate; Punta del Este, Casapueblo, and museums; Valdes Peninsula, Punta Tombo and the Magellan penguins; Machismo and feminism; Car sizes; Santiago de Chile, Chile, and la Isla de Pascua; "Cuadrados y angulos," Alfonsina Storni; Gabriela Mistral and Pablo Neruda; Victor Jara; Paraguayan harp. Material reciclado. Body parts; Deber + inf. (4) Verbs like gustar (8); Preterit (6, 7); Ir a + inf. (2); Tener que + inf. (2); Saber/conocer (4); Adjective agreement. CAPITULO 10. EN CASA.'Para ver I. En busca de departamento. Vocabulario esencial I. Los numeros ordinales. Las habitaciones de una casa. Gramatica para la comunicacion I. Using Affirmative and Negative Words. Describing Wants and Needs: Use of the Present Subjunctive.; Forms of the Present Subjunctive. Nuevos horizontes. Reading Strategy: Using the Dictionary. Lectura: "No quiero", Angela Figuera. Writing Strategy: Pastiche. Vocabulario esencial II. En la casa. Los muebles. Para ver II. Amueblando el departamento. Gramatica para la comunicacion II. Giving Advice and Stating Desires: Other Uses of the Subjunctive. Mas alla. Cancion: "Amniotico", Andrea Echeverri. Video: Vive Mexico. Cultura. El portero; Famous architects (Calatrava, Barragan, Pelli, Gaudi); Popularity of cycling; What to do with second-hand belongings; The Spanish Civil War and censorship in post-Civil War Spain; El mate; Different types of outdoor markets; Oaxaca; Syncretism. Material reciclado. Present indicative (3, 4, 5); Geography (P); Nationalities (3); Descriptive adjectives (3); Affirmative and negative words (6); Indirect-object pronouns (6); Preterit (6, 7); Colors (5). CAPITULO 11. EL TIEMPO LIBRE. Para ver I. Estamos aburridos. Vocabulario esencial I. El tiempo libre y los pasatiempos. Gramatica para la comunicacion I. Expressing Doubt and Certainty: Contrasting the Subjunctive and the Indicative. Saying How an Action is Done: Adverbs Ending in -mente. Nuevos horizontes. Reading Strategy: Reading an Informative Interview Article. Lectura: La vida en la maquila. Writing Strategy: Describing and Giving Your Opinion. Vocabulario esencial II. La vida saludable. La preparacion de la comida. Para ver II. La clase de cocina. Gramatica para la comunicacion II. Giving Instructions: The Passive se. Other Uses of para and por. Expressing Emotions: More Uses of the Subjunctive. Mas alla. Cancion: Sazon", Celia Cruz. Video: Ritmos. Cultura. Spanish playing cards; The sobremesa; Hispanic musicians (Carlos Gardel, Tito Puente, Selena); Pedraza; The maquiladoras; Ferran Adria and Hispanic chefs; The tortilla espanola; Food from the New World (chocolate, corn, tomatoes, potatoes, etc.); Gazpacho; Quinceanera; Flamenco; Andean music. Material reciclado. Gustar (2); Subjunctive forms (10); Giving advice (2, 10); Preterit (6, 7); Ya and todavia (8); Telling time (6); Por and para (5); Indirect-object pronouns (6); Reflexive verbs (4).' CAPITULO 12. EL CAMPO Y LA CIUDAD. Para ver I. La vida en la ciudad. Vocabulario esencial I. La geografia. Como llegar a un lugar. Gramatica para la comunicacion I. Making Comparisons (Part I): Comparisons of Inequality; The Superlative. Making Requests and Giving Commands (Part I): Commands with usted and ustedes. Nuevos horizontes. Reading Strategy: Understanding the Writer's Purpose. Lectura: "Las piramides, del piso a la cima". Writing Strategy: Comparing and Contrasting. Vocabulario esencial II. Como llegar a un lugar. Para ver II. La propuesta. Gramatica para la comunicacion II. Making Comparisons (Part II): Comparisons of Equality. Making Requests and Giving Commands (Part II): Commands with tu. Mas alla. Cancion: "Andar conmigo", Julieta Venegas. Video: El biblioburro. Pelicula: El laberinto del fauno. Cultura. Populations trends; The Ciclovia in Bogota and biking in urban areas; Geography of and the natural disasters in Latin America. Sayings using comparatives; Common gestures; Teotihuacan; Tunas; Post Spanish Civil War. Material reciclado. Preterit and Imperfect (8, 9); Adjective agreement (3); Subjunctive forms (10); Indirect-object pronouns (6); Direct-object pronouns (7); Double-object pronouns (8); Question words (1). Reference Section. ' Appendix A: Verb Charts. ' Appendix B: Accentuation and Syllabication. Appendix C: Actividades comunicativas.' Spanish-English Vocabulary. ' English-Spanish Vocabulary. ' Index. ' Maps of the Spanish-speaking world.

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