A comprehensive, step-by-step guide to college admissions that helps students through every aspect of the application process and gives them a proven approach to make their application stand out from the rest. College admissions has never been more stressful. Not only is admission ruthlessly competitive, with more and more qualified students applying each year, but the application process has become more confusing than ever before. Most parents and students feel anxious, overwhelmed, and confused by the choices and trade-offs. In! is based on the authors? 20+ years of experience working privately on boarding, college, and graduate school admissions with students from all over the world. While there is no shortage of college admissions guidebooks on the market, In! offers students and their parents a crucial element that none of the others does: a clear, step-by-step strategy that helps students not only compete academically with other qualified applicants but also develop a defining interest?in incremental, attainable steps?that distinguishes them from their peers and gives them an edge with college admissions officers. This strategy is summed up in a four-word phrase: ?be alike but spike.? This means that the applicant must perform on par with other students applying to similar colleges, while also working to stand out from the pack?like a spike on a graph?in one area. (Ironically, it?s often the ?well-rounded student,? an ideal many applicants strive for, who gets rejected.) In! shows students how to create that distinction by identifying and "layering" their passion, showcasing their interest in many different ways and circumstances. Enlivened with instructive case studies as well as entertaining New Yorker cartoons, this book carefully guides students through the application process, showing them how to rise to the top of an applicant pool of thousands. And unlike most books about ?getting in,? In!?s lessons do not end at college acceptance. Rather than viewing college admissions as a hurdle to be quickly and painlessly cleared, mother-daughter team Luterman and Bloom present it as an opportunity for students to mature, expand their horizons, and discover what makes them tick. Not only does In! get you in, it gives you the tools and confidence teenagers will need for future success. AUTHOR: Lillian Luterman has been advising students on college and boardingschool admissions since 1989, and has watched her practice expand globally. With a Masters degree in speech patholoy, audiology, and counseling, she works with students of all levels and backgrounds, from those wih learning disablilities to gifted students aiming for the top tier colleges. She lives with her husband in Westport, Connectuicut. A graduate of Harvard University, Cambridge University, and Harvard Business School, Jennifer Bloom began working with her mother, Lillian Luterman, in 2006. Prior to that, she spent more than ten years in marketing and advertising. She lives in New York City. REVIEWS: "Luterman and Bloom make the invaluable connection between who we are and getting where we want to go; as a former client, I know their message is equally applicable to careers over a lifetime. In! offers smart tools that can be employed successfully anywhere one wishes to excel." -- Jared Cohen, Director of Google Ideas, formerly of the State Departement, Rhodes Scholar, Stanford University Graduate "The writing style is faster paced and more humorous than in most books in the genre, which can help make a difficult and stressful process a little easier to take. An excellent guide, especially for students trying to compete at the top level for spots at Ivies or other high-end institutions, as well as their parents." -- Library Journal "An accessible, student-centric approach to preparing for college admissions and beyond. Clear examples demonstrate how to incorporate individual talents and energies into an effective strategy. In! will show you how to shine." -- Ray Kim, Assistant Dean of Admissions and Academic Advising, College of Arts and Sciences, Cornell University "When did applying to college become so confusing? During hundreds of meetings with anxious parents and panicky teens, expert college consultants Lillian Luterman and Jennifer Bloom heard the same misconceptions time and time again. To set the record straight, they wrote IN! College Admissions and Beyond: The Experts' Proven Strategy For Success." -- The Huffington Post ILLUSTRATIONS: 30 b/w cartoons
Industry Reviews
Praise for In! College Admissions and Beyond: "An accessible, student-centric approach...Clear examples demonstrate how to incorporate individual talents and energies into an effective strategy. In! will show you how to shine." -- Ray Kim, Assistant Dean of Admissions and Academic Advising, College of Arts and Sciences, Cornell University "Luterman and Bloom make the invaluable connection between who we are and getting where we want to go; as a former client, I know their message is equally applicable to careers over a lifetime. In! offers smart tools that can be employed successfully anywhere one wishes to excel." - Jared Cohen, Director of Google Ideas, formerly of the State Department, Rhodes Scholar, Stanford University Graduate "Helpful and easy-to-read...An excellent guide, especially for students trying to compete at the top level..." -- Library Journal "In! College Admissions and Beyond is the best resource book I have seen for preparing high school students and their parents for the college admissions process. It has both tactical and strategic advice and can be read cover to cover or used as a reference. I used it with my daughter and it made a tremendous difference in her understanding of the process and, therefore, her ability to compete effectively." -- Sally K. Bayless, Through The Magic Door "The book is excellent for parents and students new to the admissions process and contains practical tips that are particularly useful for school counselors both new or seasoned...the authors present the ABCs of the admissions process in a succinct fashion with good advice that can be gleaned quickly in this easy-to-read book. A must for counselors, parents and students." - NACAC (National Association for College Admission Counseling) - Winner of a Gold medal, Education Category, 2012 Independent Publisher Book Awards