This Book Is For The INFP Who Has Always Felt Different, Yet Knows There Is Something Special, Almost Magical, About Who They Are If you're an INFP and you want to better understand yourself and why you think how you do, then this book is for you. If you'd like a hand unlocking your strengths and sharing your gifts with the world, then keep reading and see what you think. Sex, Love and Relationships -How to find your perfect mate and build a the kind of relationship that makes you happy. -Discover how to overcome the kind of relationship challenges you may face as an INFP. -Are you dating an INFP? Finally understand your partner and learn how avoid the most common INFP "traps," minimize fights, maximize love, and avoid heartbreak. Discover Your Perfect Career It's not enough to know what careers an INFP could do, you want to know where an INFP will thrive and achieve happiness, fulfillment, and financial reward. That's what you'll find here. Thrive At Work and Earn What You're Worth Discover the strategies used by successful INFPs to thrive at work and answer questions like: -As an INFP, what career is right for me? -As an INFP, why do I hate this job? -As an INFP, why am I so bored at work? -How can I earn more money as an INFP? -As an INFP, how can I be happier at work? -Am I on the right track? Should I change direction? INFP Secret Weapons Revealed (aka Your Strengths) -Discover your natural gifts and how to apply them to work and social situations. -Learn what INFPs can do that no other type is as capable of. -How to harness your strengths and make yourself priceless to friends, lovers and bosses. INFP Kryptonite(aka Your Weak Spots) -Discover why many INFPs falter and fail to reach their full potential. -Understand where your weaknesses come from and how to easily overcome them. -Why so many INFPs suffer from ridged thinking and and how to cure yourself of it. Also Inside: -Unleashing your inner social butterfly. A special 8-part section on social skills for introverts. Some of the topics covered include: Making new friends, handling small talk, and how to avoid looking rude when you're really just shy. -10 Strategies For Achieving Health, Wealth and Happiness as an INFP. -Following Giants: Discover what famous INFPs have in common and what you can learn from them. -An Introduction To Myers-Briggs and Personality Psychology: Finally understand what those 4 letters mean and how different types relate. -The Four Groups - There are 16 personality types but these types can actually be broken down into just 4 groups. Understanding these groups can save you hours and allow you to quickly understand the core personality of those around you and how the two of you will relate. The Difference Between "Getting By" and Thriving Abraham Maslow put the desire for "self-actualization" at the top of his famous pyramid of human needs. Maslow taught us that we will never really be complete, happy, or satisfied unless we are striving for our full potential. That is why I wrote this book. This book is about thriving as your best self. It's about thriving in a world where so many people settle for average. Other books on personality types include brief descriptions of each type, sometimes with a few tips. This book goes deeper than any other book, website or guide and includes the reasoning behind the strategies so you can truly understand the INFP. Please Note: This is now the new and expanded 2nd Edition. Enjoy.