Chapter 1 - Integrated crop/livestock systems with agroforestry to improve organic animal farming: A. J. Escribano, Nutrion Internacional, Spain; J. Ryschawy, University of Toulouse, France; and L. K. Whistance, The Organic Research Centre, UK;
1 Introduction
2 Types of ICLS
3 Environmental and economic benefits of ICLS
4 Agroforestry as an ICLS
5 Animals in agroforestry systems
6 Trees as a source of nutrition and medicine
7 Challenges in integrated livestock and forestry systems
8 Conclusion
9 Where to look for further information
10 References
Chapter 2 - Integration of crop-livestock in Conservation Agriculture systems: John N. Landers, Independent Consultant, Brazil; Pedro Luiz de Freitas, Embrapa Solos, Brazil; Luiz Carlos Balbino, Embrapa Cerrados, Brazil; Jºlio C©sar Salton, Embrapa Agropecu¡ria Oeste, Brazil; and Rob©lio Leandro March£o, Embrapa Cerrados, Brazil;
1 Introduction
2 Basic principles of integrated crop-livestock systems in CA
3 Basic principles of ley farming
4 Integrated crop-livestock management (ICL-CA) systems: ley farming systems
5 Systems involving forestry (ICL-CA(F))
6 Non-ley integrated farming systems
7 Area integration systems
8 Interactions in integrated crop-livestock systems
9 Adoption of ICL-CA and ICL-CA(F) systems
10 Policy considerations
11 References
Chapter 3 - The contribution of integrated crop-livestock systems in combatting climate change and improving resilience in agricultural production to achieve food security: Mark van Wijk and James Hammond, International Livestock Research Institute, Kenya; Simon Fraval, International Livestock Research Institute, Kenya and Wageningen University, The Netherlands; Jannike Wichern, Wageningen University, The Netherlands; Randall Ritzema, Olivet Nazarene University, USA; and Ben Henderson, Natural Resources Policy, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), France;
1 Introduction
2 A short overview of analyses and approaches focussing on climate change and mixed crop-livestock systems
3 Agricultural production, consumption, sale and food security
4 Current methods used by farmers in mixed crop-livestock systems to deal with climate variability
5 Possible methods of assessing climate change adaptation options
6 Conclusion
7 Where to look for further information
8 References
Chapter 4 - Integrating livestock production into whole-farm system models of mixed crop-livestock systems: Katrien Descheemaeker, Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands; and Lindsay Bell, CSIRO Agriculture Flagship, Australia;
1 Introduction
2 Key features of crop-livestock systems
3 Dynamic simulation models of whole-farm systems including livestock
4 Crop-livestock model applications
5 Conclusion
6 References