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Insulin Pumps and Continuous Glucose Monitoring - Karen White

Insulin Pumps and Continuous Glucose Monitoring

Narrated by: Karen White

Author: Emily Westfall

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Being diagnosed with diabetes, no longer means giving up an active life. New technology, such as insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitors, can help people with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes stay active and flexible and maintain healthy attitudes and lifestyles.

Designed to mimic the action of the pancreas, insulin pumps are small, pager-sized devices that infuse insulin under the skin based on programmed rates. Not only does this eliminate the need for injections, it also allows for small amounts of insulin to be released throughout the day, and large amounts to be administered at meals based on what's being eaten. When paired with a continuous glucose monitor, which provides a continuous readout of glucose levels, users can enjoy accurate, tight glucose control that provides much greater flexibility and freedom than the old check-and-inject method.

Dr. Francine Kaufman's Insulin Pumps and Continuous Glucose Monitoring explains the advances in glucose management, and thoroughly discusses the technology, as well as the physical and psychological aspects of diabetes care. It provides a comprehensive medical approach toward diabetes management and pump therapy with an appreciation of the real-life challenges and frustrations faced every day by people with diabetes.


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