Volume I: The Philosophy of Intellectual History 1. John Patrick Diggins, 'Arthur O. Lovejoy and the Challenge of Intellectual History', Journal of the History of Ideas, 2006, 67, 1, 181-208. 2. Quentin Skinner, 'Meaning and Understanding in the History of Ideas', History and Theory, 1969, 8, 1, 3-53. 3. Quentin Skinner, 'The Rise of, Challenge to, and Prospects of, a Collingwoodian Approach to the History of Political Thought', in D. Castiglione and I. Hampsher-Monk (eds.), The History of Political Thought in National Context (Cambridge, 2011). 4. John Dunn, 'The Identity of the History of Ideas', Philosophy, 1968, 43, 164, 85-104. 5. John Pocock, 'Present at the Creation: With Laslett to the Lost Worlds', International Journal of Public Affairs, 2006, 2, 7-17. 6. Reinhart Koselleck, 'Linguistic Change and the History of Events', Journal of Modern History, 1989, 61, 4, 649-66. 7. Melvin Richter, 'Reconstructing the History of Political Languages: Pocock, Skinner, and the Geschichtliche Grundbegriffe', History and Theory, 1990, 29, 1, 38-70. 8. Dominick Lacapra, 'Rethinking Intellectual History and Reading Texts', History and Theory, 1980, 19, 3, 245-76. 9. Joseph M. Levine, 'Intellectual History as History', Journal of the History of Ideas, 2005, 66, 2, 189-200. 10. Mark Bevir, 'The Errors of Linguistic Contextualism', History & Theory, 1992, 31, 276-98. 11. Iain Hampsher-Monk, 'Political Languages in Time: The Work of J. G. A. Pocock', British Journal of Political Science, 1984, 14, 89-116. 12. Robert Lamb, 'Quentin Skinner's Revised Historical Contextualism: A Critique', History of the Human Sciences, 2009, 22, 3, 51-73. 13. Anthony Grafton, 'The History of Ideas: Precept and Practice, 1950-2000 and Beyond', Journal of the History of Ideas, 2006, 67, 1, 1-32. Volume II: Classic essays-philosophers 14. A. Laks, 'Legislation and Demiurgy: On the Relation Between Plato's Republic and Laws', Classical Antiquity, 1990, 9, 209-29. 15. T. H. Irwin, 'Moral Science and Political Theory in Aristotle', History of Political Thought, 1985, 6, 150-68. 16. W. Ambler, 'Aristotle on Nature and Politics: The Case of Slavery', Political Theory, 1987, 15, 390-411. 17. E. M. Atkins, 'Domina et Regina Virtutum: Justice and Societas in De Officiis', Phronesis, 1990, 35, 258-89. 18. R. Martin, 'The Two Cities in Augustine's Political Philosophy', Journal of the History of Ideas, 1972, 33, 195-216. 19. L. Petterman, 'Dante's Monarchy and Aristotle's Political Thought', Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History, 1973, 10, 1-40. 20. C. J. Nederman and C. Campbell, 'Priests, Kings and Tyrants: Spiritual and Temporal Power in John of Salisbury's Policraticus', Speculum, 1991, 66, 572-90. 21. M. Ryan, 'Bartolus of Sassoferrato and Free Cities', Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 2000, 10, 65-89. 22. Q. Skinner, 'Machiavelli on the Maintenance of Liberty', Politics, 1983, 18, 3-15. 23. B. Bradshaw, 'More on Utopia', Historical Journal, 1981, 24, 1-27. 24. J. H. M. Salmon, 'The Legacy of Jean Bodin: Absolutism, Populism or Constitutionalism?', History of Political Thought, 1996, 17, 500-22. 25. A. Cromartie, 'Theology and Politics in Richard Hooker's Thought', History of Political Thought, 2000, 21, 41-66. 26. B. Worden, 'Milton's Republicanism and the Tyranny of Heaven', in G. Bock, Q. Skinner, and M. Viroli (eds.), Machiavelli and Republicanism (Cambridge, 1990). 27. Knud Haakonssen, 'Hugo Grotius and the History of Political Thought', Political Theory, 1985, 13, 2, 239-65. 28. Noel Malcolm, 'Hobbes's Theory of International Relations', Aspects of Hobbes (Oxford, 2002), pp. 432-56. 29. Quentin Skinner, 'Hobbes and the Purely Artificial Person of the State', Journal of Political Philosophy, 1999, 7, 1-29. 30. John Dunn, 'Consent in the Political Theory of John Locke', Historical Journal, 1967, 10, 2, 153-82. 31. D. Armitage, 'John Locke, Carolina and the Two Treatises of Government', Political Theory, 2004, 32, 602-27. 32. Paul Schuurman, 'Fenelon on Luxury, War and Trade in the Telemachus', History of European Ideas, 2012, 38, 2. 33. Istvan Hont, 'Free Trade and the Economic Limits to National Politics: Neo-Machiavellian Political Economy Reconsidered', in John Dunn (ed.), The Economic Limits to Modern Politics (Cambridge, 1990). 34. E. J. Hundert, 'Bernard Mandeville and the Enlightenment's Maxims of Modernity', Journal of the History of Ideas, 1995, 56, 4, 577-93. 35. James Moore, 'Hume's Theory of Justice and Property', Political Studies, 1976, 24, 103-19. 36. Judith N. Shklar, 'Rousseau's Two Models: Sparta and the Age of Gold', Political Science Quarterly, 1966, 81, 1, 25-51. 37. Donald Winch, 'Adam Smith: Scottish Moral Philosopher as Political Economist', Historical Journal, 1992, 35, 1, 91-113. 38. G. J. Barker-Benfield, 'Mary Wollstonecraft: Eighteenth-Century Commonwealthswoman', Journal of the History of Ideas, 1989, 50, 95-115. 39. J. G. A. Pocock, 'Burke and the Ancient Constitution: A "Problem in the History of Ideas"', Politics, Language and Time: Essays on Political Thought and History (London, 1972), pp. 202-32. 40. J. H. Burns, 'Bentham and the French Revolution', Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 1966, 16, 95-114. 41. Filimon Peonidis, 'Jeremy Bentham's "Unusually Liberal" Representative Democracy', History of European Ideas, 2011, 37, 4. 42. Donald Winch, 'Robert Malthus: Christian Moral Scientist, Arch-Demoralizer, or Implicit Secular Utilitarian?', Utilitas, 1993, 5, 239-50. 43. S. B. Smith, 'What is "Right" In Hegel's Philosophy of Right?', American Political Science Review, 1989, 83, 1, 3-18. 44. K. Steven Vincent, 'Benjamin Constant, the French Revolution, and the Origins of French Romantic Liberalism', French Historical Studies, 2000, 23, 4, 607-37. 45. J. H. Burns, 'The Light of Reason: Philosophical History in the Two Mills', in J. M. Robson and M. Laine (eds.), James and John Stuart Mill: Papers of the Centenary Conference (Toronto, 1976), pp. 3-20. 46. D. Doveton, 'Marx and Engels on Democracy', History of Political Thought, 1994, 15, 4. 47. P. Allen, 'S. T. Coleridge's Church and State and the Idea of an Intellectual Establishment', Journal of the History of Ideas, 1985, 46, 89-106. 48. M. Richter, 'Tocqueville and Guizot on Democracy: From a Type of Society to a Political Regime', History of European Ideas, 2004, 30, 61-82. 49. Judith N. Shklar, 'Emerson and the Inhibitions of Democracy', Political Theory, 1990, 18, 4, 601-14. 50. Peter Ghosh, 'Max Weber's Idea of "Puritanism": A Case Study in the Empirical Construction of the Protestant Ethic', History of European Ideas, 2003, 29, 2, 183-221. 51. W. Hennis, 'The Spiritualist Foundation of Max Weber's "Interpretative Sociology": Ernst Troeltsch, Max Weber and William James' Varieties of Religious Experience', History of the Human Sciences, 1998, 11, 2, 83-106. 52. Lewis S. Feuer, 'John Dewey and the Back to the People Movement in American Thought', Journal of the History of Ideas, 1959, 20, 4, 545-68. 53. W. Scheuermann, 'The Rule of Law Under Siege: Carl Schmitt and the Death of the Weimar Republic', History of Political Thought, 1993, 14, 265-80. 54. Peter Ghosh, 'Citizen Or Subject? Michel Foucault in the History of Ideas', History of European Ideas, 1998, 24, 2. Volume III: Classic essays by intellectual historians 55. B. Tierney, '"The Prince is Not Bound by the Laws": Accursius and the Origins of the Modern State', Comparative Studies in Society and History, 1963, 5, 378-400. 56. F. Oakley, 'Natural Law, the Corpus Mysticum, and Consent in Conciliar Thought from John of Paris to Matthias Ugonius', Speculum, 1981, 56, 786-810. 57. Quentin Skinner, 'Ambrogio Lorenzetti's Buon Governo Frescoes: Two Old Questions, Two New Answers', Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 1999, 62, 1-28. 58. Horst Driezel, 'Reason of State and the Crisis of Political Aristotelianism: An Essay on the Development of 17th-Century Political Philosophy', History of European Ideas, 2002. 59. Peter Laslett, 'The English Revolution and Locke's "Two Treatises of Government"', Cambridge Historical Journal, 1956, 12, 1, 40-55. 60. Blair Worden, 'The Commonwealth Kidney of Algernon Sidney', Journal of British Studies, 1985, 24, 1, 1-40. 61. Jacob Viner, 'The Intellectual History of Laissez Faire', Journal of Law and Economics, 1960, 3, 45-69. 62. John Pocock, 'Hume and the American Revolution: The Dying Thoughts of a North Briton', Virtue Commerce and History (Cambridge, 1985), pp. 125-42. 63. Hont Istvan, 'The Rhapsody of Public Debt: David Hume and Voluntary State Bankruptcy', in N. Phillipson and Q. Skinner (eds.), Political Discourse in Early Modern Britain (Cambridge, 1993), pp. 321-48. 64. D. Armitage, 'Empire and Liberty: A Republican Dilemma', in M. van Gelderen and Q. Skinner (eds.), Republicanism: A Shared European Heritage (Cambridge, 2002). 65. E. J. Hundert, 'The Thread of Language and the Web of Dominion: Mandeville to Rousseau and Back', Eighteenth-Century Studies, 1987-8, 21, 2, 169-91. 66. David W. Carrithers, 'Not So Virtuous Republics: Montesquieu, Venice, and the Theory of Aristocratic Republicanism', Journal of the History of Ideas, 1991, 52, 2, 245-68. 67. D. Forbes, 'Sceptical Whiggism, Commerce and Liberty', in A. S. Skinner and T. Wilson (eds.), Essays on Adam Smith (Oxford, 1975). 68. John Robertson, 'Universal Monarchy and the Liberties of Europe: David Hume's Critique of an English Whig Doctrine', in N. Phillipson and Q. Skinner (eds.), Political Discourse in Early Modern Britain (Cambridge, 1993). 69. James Moore, 'The Eclectic Stoic, the Mitigated Sceptic', in E. Mazza and E. Ronchetti (eds.), New Essays on David Hume (Milan, 2007), pp. 133-70. 70. Colin Kidd, 'North Britishness and the Nature of Eighteenth-Century British Patriotisms', Historical Journal, 1996, 39, 2, 361-82. 71. James Schmidt, 'Misunderstanding the Question: "What is Enlightenment?": Venturi, Habermas, and Foucault', History of European Ideas, 2011, 37, 1. 72. L. Banning, 'Jeffersonian Ideology Revisited: Liberal and Classical Ideas in the New American Republic', William and Mary Quarterly, 1986, 43, 2-19. 73. J. Appleby, 'What is Still American in the Political Philosophy of Thomas Jefferson?', William and Mary Quarterly, 1982, 39, 287-309. 74. P. Ghosh, 'From the "Spirit of Capital" to the "Spirit" of Capitalism: The Transition in German Economic Thought Between Lujo Brentano and Max Weber', History of European Ideas, 2009, 35, 1, 62-92. 75. Stefan Collini, 'The Idea of "Character" in Victorian Political Thought', Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 1985, 35, 29-50. 76. John P. McCormick, 'Fear, Technology, and the State: Carl Schmitt, Leo Strauss, and the Revival of Hobbes in Weimar and National Socialist Germany', Political Theory, 1994, 22, 4, 619-52. Volume IV: Controversies in intellectual history 77. Donald R. Kelley, 'Intellectual History in a Global Age', Journal of the History of Ideas, 2005, 66, 2, 155-67. 78. Christopher Nadon, 'Aristotle and the Republican Paradigm: A Reconsideration of Pocock's "Machiavellian Moment"', Review of Politics, 1996, 58, 4, 677-98. 79. John P. McCormick, 'Machiavelli Against Republicanism: On the Cambridge School's "Guicciardinian Moments"', Political Theory, 2003, 31, 5, 615-43. 80. Mark Jurdjevic, 'Hedgehogs and Foxes: The Present and Future of Italian Renaissance Intellectual History', Past & Present, 2007, 195, 241-68. 81. Anthony J. La Vopa, 'A New Intellectual History? Jonathan Israel's Enlightenment', Historical Journal, 2009, 52, 3, 717-38. 82. D. Winch, 'Mr Gradgrind and Jerusalem', in S. Collini, R. Whatmore, and B. Young (eds.), Economy, Polity and Society: British Intellectual History 1750-1950 (Cambridge, 2000), pp. 243-66. 83. A. T. Allen, 'Feminism, Social Science, and the Meanings of Modernity: The Debate on the Origin of the Family in Europe and the United States, 1860-1914', American Historical Review, 1999, 104, 1085-113. 84. Richard Bourke, 'Pocock and the Presuppositions of the New British History', Historical Journal, 2010, 53, 3, 747-70. 85. David Armitage, 'What's the Big Idea? 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