International Crimes: Law and Practice Volume II : Crimes Against Humanity - Guénaël Mettraux
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International Crimes: Law and Practice Volume II

Crimes Against Humanity

By: Guénaël Mettraux

Hardcover | 28 May 2020

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Judge Mettraux's four-volume compendium, International Crimes: Law and Practice, will provide the most detailed and authoritative account to-date of the law of international crimes. It is a scholarly tour de force providing a unique blend of academic rigour and an insight into the practice of international criminal law. The compendium is un-rivalled in its breadth and depth, covering almost a century of legal practice, dozens of jurisdictions (national and international), thousands of decisions and judgments and hundreds of cases.
This second volume discusses in detail crimes against humanity.
Industry Reviews
Professor Mettraux continues his monumental treatise on international criminal law... concise, succinct, thoroughly documented by a specialist who exhibits a virtuoso command of the materials. * Jus Gentium: Journal of International Legal History *

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