Average daily rate | |
Awareness | |
trial and usage | |
Back flow prevention | |
Back of the house in hotels | |
Back of the house in restaurants | |
Back office systems | |
Balance sheet | |
Baldrige award | |
Bandwidth | |
Banquet event order | |
Bargaining power | |
Barriers to entry | |
Barriers to exit | |
Basic elements of cost | |
Beliefs and attitudes | |
Benchmarking | |
Benchmarking in property management | |
Benchmarking performance | |
Biases in consumer decision-making | |
Biennial timeshare | |
Bluetooth | |
Booth | |
Brand | |
Branding | |
Break-even analysis | |
Breakout sessions | |
Budget methods | |
Budget variances | |
Budgetary controls | |
Budgetary preparation | |
Building codes | |
Building components | |
Burnout | |
Business centers | |
Business environment | |
Business level strategy | |
Business management institute | |
Business process reengineering | |
Business risk | |
Capital assets pricing model | |
Career planning and development | |
Cash flow | |
Cash flow statement | |
Casinos | |
Centralization | |
Centralized guestroom HVAC | |
Chain restaurants | |
Change management | |
Characteristics of service | |
Check out | |
Cleaning schedule | |
Clicks and mortar | |
Club board of directors | |
Club corporation | |
Club entertainment | |
Club fitness programs | |
Club house | |
Club management | |
Club manager certification programs | |
Club Managers Association of America (CMAA) | |
Club membership categories | |
Club membership nomination | |
Club membership process | |
Club officers | |
Club professionals | |
Club reciprocity | |
Club types | |
Coaching | |
Co-branding | |
Cognitive dissonance | |
Collective bargaining | |
Combined heat and power cogeneration | |
Comfort zone and human comfort | |
Commercial home | |
Commitment | |
Common-size statements | |
Communication | |
Comparative statement analysis | |
Compensation | |
Competencies | |
Competency profiling | |
Competitive advantage | |
Competitive position | |
Competitive strategy | |
Computer | |
Computer reservation system (CRS) | |
Concept mapping | |
Concierge | |
Concurrent sessions | |
Condominium | |
Conference | |
Conference center | |
Conference plan | |
Configurations | |
Confirmed reservation | |
Conflict | |
Congress center | |
Consortium | |
Constructive dismissal | |
Consumer buying (decision) process | |
Consumer rights under the purchaser deposit | |
Contextual effects in consumer behavior | |
Contingency theory | |
Continuous improvement | |
Contract of employment | |
Contribution margin | |
Controllable and non-controllable costs | |
Controllable costs in foodservice | |
Convention | |
Convention & visitors bureau (CVB) | |
Convention catering | |
Convention center | |
Convention industry council | |
Convention service manager | |
Cook-chill | |
Cook-freeze | |
Corporate event market | |
Corporate evel strategy | |
Corporate meeting | |
Cost of goods sold | |
Cost of sales | |
Cost strategy | |
Cost-benefit analysis | |
Cost-informed pricing methods | |
Cost-volume-profit analysis | |
Credit card guarantee | |
Critical incidents techniques | |
Critical success factors | |
Cross selling | |
Customer centricity | |
Customer complaint behavior | |
Customer expectations | |
Customer lifetime value | |
Customer loyalty | |
Customer relationship management in foodservice | |
Customer relationship marketing/management (CRM) | |
Customer satisfaction | |
Cycle menus | |
Daily operations report | |
Data envelopment analysis | |
Data mining | |
Data warehouse | |
Database marketing | |
Database systems | |
Daypart | |
Decentralized guestroom HVAC | |
Decision-making | |
Decision support systems | |
Deeded timeshare ownership | |
Departing the guest | |
Depreciation of fixed assets | |
Destination management company | |
Destination management system | |
Destination marketing | |
Destination marketing organization (DMO) | |
Developer rights under the purchaser deposit | |
Deviance | |
Diffusion models | |
Dining room turnover | |
Direct billing | |
Direct costs | |
Direct mail marketing | |
Disciplinary action | |
Disconfirmation theory | |
Discrimination | |
Discriminatory pricing | |
Dismissal | |
Distinctive capabilities | |
Distribution channels | |
Distribution channels in foodservice | |
District heating/cooling plants | |
Diversification | |
Domain name | |
Downsizing | |
Drayage | |
Duty of care | |
Earnings per share | |
Economies of scale | |
Economies of scope | |
Efficiency ratios | |
Eighty six | |
Eighty-twenty customer pyramid | |
Electric power pu | |
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