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International Migration and Economic Development : Lessons from Low-Income Countries - Robert E.B. Lucas

International Migration and Economic Development : Lessons from Low-Income Countries

By: Robert E.B. Lucas

Hardcover | 1 January 2005

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Amidst mounting global policy attention directed toward international migration, this book offers an exhaustive review of the issues and evidence linking economic development in low-income countries with their migration experiences. The diversity of outcomes is explored in the context of; migration from East Europe and from the Maghreb to the EU; contract labor from South Asia in the Persian Gulf; highly skilled migrants moving to North America; and labor circulation within East Asia.
Industry Reviews
'Robert E. B. Lucas draws together 15 chapters, including his own synopsis, on the important and somewhat controversial topic of international migration and economic development. Much prior work has focused on the interaction between internal migration and economic development with major emphasis on development in the migrants' destination. With its focus on the interaction between international migration and economic development in origin countries, this contribution diverges from much earlier work . . . Robert E. B. Lucas, is a major participant in this field of study, and he has drawn together a number of outstanding articles. Those who teach development economics would be wise to consider the International Handbook on Migration and Economic Development as a supplemental reader in their courses.' -- Michael J. Greenwood, Journal of Regional Science
'. . . fascinating book. . . Lucas' study presents an overview of migration against the backdrop of globalisation, making it a fascinating and highly recommended read.' -- Antonio MartIn Artiles, Transfer
'The book helps readers and policymakers to learn and think about the current status of complicated changing international migration and links with economic development in many countries and regions of the world.' -- Yasuko Hayase, The Developing Economies
'Lucas provides a substantial contribution to our understanding of the effect of international migration on economic development as it exists at the turn of the millennium. He takes a remarkably even-handed approach to addressing the complex issues that surround migration and development today; seemingly willing to learn the truth no matter where it leads on this politically controversial issue. This impartial treatise will be useful to anyone studying migration, international labor markets, or economic development.' -- Kirk Dameron, Journal of Economic Issues

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