Chapter 1: Isoprenoid Bbiosynthesis in Pprokaryotic Organisms Manuel Rodriguez-Concepcion and Albert Boronat Chapter 2: 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate Synthase (DXS), A Crucial Enzyme for Isoprenoids Biosynthesis Song Xiang, Gerlinde Usunow, Gudrun Lange, Marco Busch, and Liang Tong Chapter 3: Biosynthetic Genes and Enzymes of Isoprenoids Produced by Actinomycetes Tohru Dairi Chapter 4: Interactions of Isoprenoid Pathway Enzymes and Indirect Stimulation of Isoprenoid Biosynthesis by Pentose Phosphate Cycle Substrates in Synechocystis PCC 6803 Kelly Poliquin, Francis X. Cunningham, Jr., R. Raymond Gantt, and Elisabeth Gantt Chapter 5: Metabolic Engineering of Monoterpenoids Production in Yeast Marc Fischer, Sophie Meyer, Maryline Oswald, Patricia Claudel, and Francis Karst Chapter 6: Metabolic Engineering of Isoprenoid Production: Reconstruction of Multistep Heterologous Pathways in Tractable Hosts Jerome Maury, Mohammad A. Asadollahi, Luca R. Formenti, Michel Schalk, and Jens Nielsen Chapter 7: Microbially-Derived Semi-synthetic Artemisinin Christopher J. Paddon, Derek McPhee, Patrick J. Westfall, Kirsten R. Benjamin, Douglas J. Pitera, Karl Fisher, Scott Fickes, Michael D. Leavell, and Jack D. Newman Chapter 8: Artemisinin: Controlling its Production in Artemisia Annua Pamela Weathers, Melissa Towler, Yi Wang, and Kristin K. Wobbe Chapter 9: Fosmidomycin as an Antimalarial Agent Jochen Wiesner, Armin Reichenberg, Martin Hintz, Regina Ortmann, Martin Schlitzer, Serge Van Calenbergh, Steffen Borrmann, Bertrand Lell, Peter G. Kremsner, David Hutchinson, and Hassan Jomaa Chapter 10: Regulation of Isoprene and Monoterpene Emission Isabel Nogues and Francesco Loreto Chapter 11: Involvement of Compartmentalization in Monoterpene and Sesquiterpene Biosynthesis in Plants Michael Gutensohn, Dinesh A. Nagegowda, and Natalia Dudareva Chapter 12: Strategies for the Manipulation of Carbocations by Aristolochene Synthase David J. Miller and Rudolf K. Allemann Chapter 13: Elucidating the Formation of Geranyllinalool, the Precursor of the Volatile C16-homoterpene TMTT Involved in Indirect Plant Defense Marco Herdea, Katrin Gartnera, Tobias Kollnerb, Benjamin Fodea, Wilhelm Bolandc, Jonathan Gershenzonb, Christiane Gatza, and Dorothea Tholl Chapter 14: Strigolactones: A Cry for Help Results in Fatal Attraction. Is Escape Possible? Carolien Ruyter-Spira, Juan Antonio Lopez-Raez, Catarina Cardoso, Tatsiana Charnikhova, Radoslava Matusova, Wouter Kohlen, Muhammad Jamil, Ralph Bours, Francel Verstappen, and Harro Bouwmeester Chapter 15: Prenyldiphosphate Synthases and Gibberellin Biosynthesis Chris C.N. van Schie, Michel A. Haring, and Robert C. Schuurink Chapter 16: Gibberellin Phytohormone Metabolism Reuben J. Peters Chapter 17: Control of Plastidial Isoprenoid Precursor Supply: Divergent 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate Synthase (DXS) Isogenes Regulate the Allocation to Primary or Secondary Metabolism Michael H. Walter, Daniela S. Floss, Heike Paetzold, Kerstin Manke, Jessica Vollrath, Wolfgang Brandt, and Dieter Strack Chapter 18: Tobacco Trichomes as a Platform for Terpenoid Biosynthesis Engineering Alain Tissier, Christophe Sallaud, and Denis Rontein Chapter 19: Prenylated Proteins are Required for Methyl jasmonate-induced Monoterpenoid Indole Alkaloids Biosynthesis in Catharanthus roseus Vincent Courdavault, Marc Clastre, Andrew John Simkin, and Nathalie Giglioli-Guivarc'h Chapter 20: The Role of Prenylcysteine Methylation and Metabolism in Abscisic Acid Signaling in Arabidopsis Thaliana Dring N. Crowell and David H. Huizinga Chapter 21: What We Do and Do Not Know About the Cellular Functions of Polyisoprenoids Liliana Surmacz and Ewa Swiezewska Chapter 22: Regulation of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA Synthase and 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA Reductase and Rubber Biosynthesis of Hevea brasiliensis (B.H.K.) Mull. Arg Pluang Suwanmanee, Nualpun Sirinupong, and Wallie Suvachittanont Chapter 23: Development of Crops to Produce Industrially Useful Natural Rubber Maureen Whalen, Colleen McMahana, and David Shintani Chapter 24: Occurrence in Tobacco of Two Acetoacetyl-Coenzyme A Thiolases with Distinct Expression Patterns and Subcellular Localization Laurent Wentzinger, Esther Gerber, Thomas J. Bach, and Marie-Andree Hartmann Chapter 25: The Sterol C4-Demethylation in Higher Plants Alain Rahier, Sylvain Darnet, Florence Bouvier, and Bilal Camara Chapter 26 : Sterol C22-desaturase and its Biological Roles Daisaku Ohta and Masaharu Mizutani Chapter 27: Enzymatic Synthesis of Unnatural Cyclic Triterpenes Ikuro Abe Chapter 28: Saponin Synthesis and Function Sam T. Mugford and Anne Osbourn Chapter 29: Cardenolide Aglycone Formation in Digitalis Wolfgang Kreis and Frieder Muller-Uri Chapter 30: Biosynthesis of Isoprenoid Precursors in Arabidopsis Manuel Rodriguez-Concepcion, Narciso Campos, Albert Ferrer, and Albert Boronat Chapter 31: Understanding the Mechanisms that Modulate the MEP Pathway in Higher Plants Patricia Leon and Elizabeth Cordoba Chapter 32: Functional Analysis of HMG-CoA Reductase and Oxidosqualene Cyclases in Arabidopsis Toshiya Muranaka and Kiyoshi Ohyama Chapter 33: Systems Understanding of Isoprenoid Pathway Regulation in Arabidopsis Eva Vranova