It Must Be Winter - Uliana Barabash

It Must Be Winter

By: Uliana Barabash (Illustrator), Michelle Wang

Paperback | 29 November 2021

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2021 Wishing Shelf Book Awards Finalist
#1 New Release and Amazon Bestseller

It must be winter...and our favourite high-energy family is back to revel in the signs of a brand new season. Follow along as they stack and rhyme their way to a snowy wonderland that celebrates all there is to love about this magical time of year. And yes, our comedy duo of backyard squirrels are still here to keep the page-turning fast and furious, with more pun-derful riddles that will leave you rolling on the ice, chortling out loud.

Written by an unabashedly Canadian teacher to celebrate the most wonderful time of the year season, "It Must Be Winter" features:
-repetitive chorus to promote participation and recollection
-predictable patterns for early readers to follow
-simple yet rich text for vocabulary building
-opportunity to learn about synonyms and appropriate winterwear
-springboards to cross-curricular activities

'A humorous picture book young children will love - particularly the naughty squirrels A FINALIST and highly recommended to young children'
- The Wishing Shelf Book Awards

And don't miss out on the next book in the series: "It Must Be Spring"

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