It's No Secret...There's Money in Small Business : Earn More. Work Less. Enjoy What You Do Each Day. - Tyson E. Franklin

It's No Secret...There's Money in Small Business

Earn More. Work Less. Enjoy What You Do Each Day.

By: Tyson E. Franklin

Paperback | 31 October 2017

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"The number one way to increase your wealth and become financially independent is to own a small business, and if you've thought about starting a business but were scared off by the number of small businesses that fail within the first few years, you are now holding a very important book. If more small business owners had mentors, and worked with someone who has made the journey before them, they would achieve higher levels of success much faster. Tyson Franklin is just such a mentor, and he's shared an amazing amount of business wisdom in this book - wisdom that can both save you money and help you make more money. You should read this book, multiple times, and most importantly, implement what you learn."
- Jim Palmer (The Dream Business Coach)

Why do some small business owners have thriving, highly profitable businesses while others don't?

Here's the simple truth: every successful small business owner thinks and behaves differently to every unsuccessful small business owner, and how you think and behave will have a direct influence on what you will or won't achieve in life, both personally and professionally. Does this mean that the amount of money you make equates to your level of success? No, it doesn't, but for some strange reason money does flow towards successful business owners, and this book is all about learning what those successful people do.

From his many years experience running a highly profitable business, Tyson will share with you:
  • where to locate your business to maximise traffic
  • how to set your business apart from your competitors
  • how to attract the right customers to help you enjoy your job more and increase your profits
  • tips and techniques to streamline your operations
  • how to find and keep the right staff
  • the six Marketing Pillars that will get your message to the right people
It's No Secret...There's Money in Small Business, however it will not happen overnight, it's something you have to work at for a number of years. It all starts with believing it's possible. By the time you put this book down you will be bouncing off the walls not just thinking it's a possibility but knowing how to make it a reality.
Industry Reviews

"The number one way to increase your wealth and become financially independent is to own a small business, and if you've thought about starting a business but were scared off by the number of small businesses that fail within the first few years, you are now holding a very important book. If more small business owners had mentors, and worked with someone who has made the journey before them, they would achieve higher levels of success much faster. Tyson Franklin is just such a mentor, and he's shared an amazing amount of business wisdom in this book - wisdom that can both save you money and help you make more money. You should read this book, multiple times, and most importantly, implement what you learn."

- Jim Palmer (The Dream Business Coach,

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