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It's Your Money : How Banking Went Rogue, Where It Is Now and How to Protect and Grow Your Money - Alan Kohler

It's Your Money

How Banking Went Rogue, Where It Is Now and How to Protect and Grow Your Money

By: Alan Kohler

Paperback | 19 August 2019

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Product Description
Now, more than ever, we all need to invest wisely and prudently.

Want to invest in shares but don’t know where to start? Worried about how to make the most of your super? Need a financial adviser but don’t know how to find someone reliable?

In It’s Your Money, Alan Kohler, one of Australia’s most trusted financial experts, offers practical guidance for investors of all ages. He shares his investing philosophy and offers advice on all aspects of financial planning, including engaging an adviser; building a property portfolio; investing in shares, bonds or managed funds; growing your superannuation; and ethical investment.

It’s Your Money is an indispensable guide for anyone who wants to do more with their money. Alan shows how, with a few careful steps and some practical wisdom, anyone can invest sensibly and successfully. He gives you the tools to be confidently in charge of your money and your future, your way.

It’s Your Money is an indispensable guide for anyone who wants to do more with their money

About the Author

Alan Kohler is a financial commentator and author. He is the founder of The Constant Investor, business editor-at-large of The Australian, finance presenter on ABC News, presenter of the Talking Business channel on Qantas inflight radio and adjunct professor in the business faculty of Victoria University. Over the past twenty years, Alan has advocated for investors’ interests, campaigning for fairer fees, greater transparency and stronger investor protections.

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