Jacaranda Humanities Alive 10
Victorian Curriculum 2nd Edition learnON & Print
By: Robert Darlington, Allan Kerr, Yasmine McCafferty, Graeme Smithies, Benjamin Rood
Paperback | 25 December 2019 | Edition Number 2
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904 Pages
27.5 x 22 x 3.5
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The latest editions of Jacaranda Humanities Alive Victorian Curriculum series include these key features:
- Choice – four titles in one, or single-subject titles
- teachON – video lessons by Victoria’s best teachers, teaching advice and lesson plans
- learnON – our most powerful digital learning platform
- An immersive digital platform in which students and teachers are connected
- Rich media to engage and inspire
- Immediate, corrective feedback for students and an in-built testmaker for teachers to create assignments from a large pool of questions for immediate, spaced and mixed practice.
- Results reported against skills and content allow unmatched visibility of students’ progress.
- Thinking Big research projects – creative, imaginative, collaborative activities
- SkillBuilders – Tell me, Show me, Let me do it!
For teachers, learnON includes additional teacher resources such as quarantined questions and answers, curriculum grids and work programs.
How to use the Jacaranda Humanities Alive resource suite xii
Acknowledgements xv
History 1
1 Historical skills and concepts 3
1.1 Overview 3
1.2 Why we study history 4
1.3 Historical skills 6
1.4 Perspectives and empathy 14
1.5 SkillBuilder: Sequencing events in chronological order
1.6 Review
2 Causes of World War II 18
2.1 Overview 18
2.2 Examining the evidence 20
2.3 The peace treaties and the League of Nations 22
2.4 The ‘Roaring Twenties’ 27
2.5 The Great Depression 31
2.6 Communism — dream or nightmare? 37
2.7 The rise of fascism 39
2.8 The Nazis take power in Germany 43
2.9 Japanese militarism 47
2.10 The road to war in Europe 51
2.11 SkillBuilder: Analysing cause and effect with graphic organisers
2.12 Thinking Big research project: TV Quizmaster
2.13 Review
3 The course and consequences of World War II 58
3.1 Overview 58
3.2 Examining the evidence 60
3.3 Overview of World War II to 1944 62
3.4 Australians at war: enlistment and the Mediterranean battles 68
3.5 Australia under threat 72
3.6 Australians in the Pacific War: Kokoda 76
3.7 Australians in the Pacific War: beyond Kokoda 79
3.8 Australian prisoners of war 81
3.9 The Australian home front 85
3.10 Australian women at war 89
3.11 Australia’s relations with the US 94
3.12 The end of the war 97
3.13 War crimes and retribution 100
3.14 Changing international relations 106
3.15 Commemoration and contested debates 109
3.16 SkillBuilder: Analysing political cartoons and propaganda posters
3.17 Thinking Big research project: Honouring Indigenous Australians’ service
3.18 Review
4 Rights and freedoms (1945–present) 115
4.1 Overview 115
4.2 Examining the evidence 117
4.3 The beginnings of an Aboriginal protest movement 119
4.4 The Stolen Generations 123
4.5 Influence on Australia of civil rights movements abroad 126
4.6 The Freedom Ride in Australia 131
4.7 Being counted 134
4.8 Torres Strait Islander rights and freedoms 138
4.9 The Aboriginal Tent Embassy 142
4.10 Land rights and protests 145
4.11 Reconciliation 152
4.12 Fighting for equity 157
4.13 The struggle continues 163
4.14 SkillBuilder: Historical debate
4.15 Thinking Big research project: Needed: Social media guru!
4.16 Review
5 Popular culture (1945–present) 171
5.1 Overview 171
5.2 Examining the evidence 173
5.3 Post-war Australia — the 1950s 175
5.4 Sport and society 180
5.5 The rock’n’roll revolution 186
5.6 Global political and social influences on popular culture 191
5.7 The evolution of television as a cultural influence 194
5.8 The Australian film industry: post-war to today 199
5.9 Continuity and change in beliefs and values 206
5.10 SkillBuilder: Conducting a historical inquiry
5.11 Thinking Big research project: Pop culture time capsule
5.12 Review
6 The environment movement 213
6.1 Overview 213
6.2 Examining the evidence 215
6.3 The national park movement 217
6.4 Growing impacts on the environment 221
6.5 The contemporary environment movement 226
6.6 Defending the environment 232
6.7 The Atomic Age 237
6.8 Global environmental issues: responses 243
6.9 Australia’s environmental future 248
6.10 SkillBuilder: Conducting a historical inquiry
6.11 Thinking Big research project: Climate change action — the view from 2120
6.12 Review
7 Migration experiences 257
7.1 Overview 257
7.2 Examining the evidence 259
7.3 Waves of migration 261
7.4 Changing immigration policy 266
7.5 New Australians 270
7.6 Immigration from Asia 275
7.7 Australia’s evolving immigration policy 279
7.8 Seeking asylum in Australia 284
7.9 The migrant contribution 290
7.10 SkillBuilder: Conducting a historical inquiry
7.11 Thinking Big research project: Migration story collector
7.12 Review
8 Political crisis 296
8.1 Overview 296
8.2 Examining the evidence 298
8.3 The Cold War in Asia 300
8.4 Anti-communism in Australia and the US 307
8.5 The Petrov affair 312
8.6 The aftermath of the Petrov affair 316
8.7 War in Vietnam 321
8.8 Vietnam and Australian politics 328
8.9 ‘It’s time’ — the Whitlam victory in 1972 337
8.10 The Whitlam dismissal, 1975 342
8.11 The Whitlam legacy 349
8.12 SkillBuilder: Interpreting historians’ perspectives
8.13 Thinking Big research project: Timeline of communism in China
8.14 Review
Geography 357
9 Geographical skills and concepts 359
9.1 Overview 359
9.2 Work and careers in Geography 360
9.3 Concepts and skills used in Geography 364
9.4 Review
Unit 1 Environmental Change and Management 372
10 Introducing environmental change and management 373
10.1 Overview 373
10.2 Interacting with the environment 374
10.3 SkillBuilder: Evaluating alternative responses
10.4 Is climate change heating the Earth? 380
10.5 Tackling climate change 383
10.6 Is Australia’s climate changing? 390
10.7 SkillBuilder: Drawing a futures wheel
10.8 Thinking Big research project: Wacky weather presentation
10.9 Review
11 Land environments under threat 397
11.1 Overview 397
11.2 The causes and impacts of land degradation 398
11.3 SkillBuilder: Interpreting a complex block diagram
11.4 Managing land degradation 406
11.5 Environmental change and salinity 412
11.6 Desertification: the drylands are spreading 419
11.7 Introduced species and land degradation 426
11.8 Native species and environmental change 432
11.9 Indigenous communities and sustainable land management 436
11.10 SkillBuilder: Writing a fieldwork report as an annotated visual display (AVD)
11.11 Thinking Big research project: Invasive species Wanted! poster
11.12 Review
12 Inland water — dammed, diverted and drained 443
12.1 Overview 443
12.2 Wet and wonderful — inland water 444
12.3 Damming rivers — the pros and cons 447
12.4 Alternatives to damming 453
12.5 SkillBuilder: Creating a fishbone diagram
12.6 Using our groundwater reserves 457
12.7 The impacts of drainage and diversion 464
12.8 SkillBuilder: Reading topographic maps at an advanced level
12.9 Putting water back — managing the Murray–Darling 470
12.10 Thinking Big research project: Menindee Lakes murder! news report
12.11 Review
13 Managing change in coastal environments 475
13.1 Overview 475
13.2 Understanding coastal landscapes 476
13.3 Challenges to coastal management 484
13.4 How do we manage coastal change? 494
13.5 SkillBuilder: Comparing aerial photographs to investigate spatial change over time
13.6 SkillBuilder: Comparing an aerial photograph and a topographic map
13.7 Thinking Big research project: Ecology action newsletter — Reef rescue
13.8 Review
14 Marine environments — are we trashing our oceans? 505
14.1 Overview 505
14.2 Motion in the ocean 506
14.3 Travelling trash — marine pollution and debris 508
14.4 Cleaning up our mess 516
14.5 SkillBuilder: Using geographic information systems (GIS)
14.6 Oil and water — a toxic mix 523
14.7 SkillBuilder: Describing change over time
14.8 Thinking Big research project: ‘Plastic not-so-fantastic’ media campaign
14.9 Review
15 Sustaining urban environments 534
15.1 Overview 534
15.2 Cities’ impact on the environment 535
15.3 The development of urban environments 537
15.4 Case studies in urban growth: Melbourne and Mumbai 541
15.5 SkillBuilder: Constructing a land use map
15.6 SkillBuilder: Building a map with geographic information systems (GIS)
15.7 Factors in urban decline 550
15.8 Future challenges for sustainable urban environments 554
15.9 Thinking Big research project: Slum improvement proposal
15.10 Review
Geographical inquiry: Developing an environmental management plan
Unit 2 Geographies of Human Wellbeing 560
16 Measuring and improving wellbeing 561
16.1 Overview 561
16.2 Understanding and measuring wellbeing 562
16.3 SkillBuilder: Constructing and interpreting a scattergraph
16.4 Wealth and wellbeing 568
16.5 SkillBuilder: Interpreting a cartogram
16.6 Improving wellbeing 571
16.7 The way forward 574
16.8 The importance of human rights 580
16.9 Thinking Big research project: SDG progress infographic
16.10 Review
17 Global variations in human wellbeing 587
17.1 Overview 587
17.2 Global population distribution 588
17.3 Life expectancy and wellbeing 591
17.4 The link between population growth and wellbeing 596
17.5 Government responses to population and wellbeing issues 599
17.6 SkillBuilder: Using Excel to construct population profiles
17.7 Variations in wellbeing in India 602
17.8 Population characteristics of Australia 605
17.9 SkillBuilder: How to develop a structured and ethical approach to research
17.10 Health and wellbeing 609
17.11 Thinking Big research project: UN report — Global wellbeing comparison
17.12 Review
18 Factors affecting human wellbeing 616
18.1 Overview 616
18.2 Gender as a factor in wellbeing 617
18.3 Poverty as a factor in wellbeing 622
18.4 Rural–urban wellbeing variation in Australia 628
18.5 Indigenous wellbeing in Australia 635
18.6 SkillBuilder: Understanding policies and strategies
18.7 SkillBuilder: Using multiple data formats
18.8 Thinking Big research project: Improving wellbeing in a low-HDI ranked country
18.9 Review
19 The impact of conflict on human wellbeing 643
19.1 Overview 643
19.2 Conflict across the world 644
19.3 Land conflict and human wellbeing 647
19.4 Minerals, wealth and wellbeing 650
19.5 Fleeing conflict 654
19.6 CASE STUDY: Syria — the impact of conflict on wellbeing 657
19.7 Seeking refuge 662
19.8 Providing assistance for global human wellbeing 666
19.9 SkillBuilder: Debating like a geographer
19.10 SkillBuilder: Writing a geographical essay
19.11 Thinking Big research project: The displaced Rohingya children
19.12 Review
Fieldwork inquiry: Comparing wellbeing in the local area
Civics and Citizenship 673
20 Regional government and global citizenship 675
20.1 Overview 675
20.2 Key features of Australia’s system of government 676
20.3 Key features of Japan’s system of government 681
20.4 Key features of India’s system of government 685
20.5 Key features of Indonesia’s system of government 688
20.6 Foreign aid from governments and NGOs 692
20.7 Australia and the UN 696
20.8 Keeping the peace 698
20.9 SkillBuilder: Conducting an interview
20.10 Thinking Big research project: Humanitarian aid proposal
20.11 Review
21 Maintaining justice for a cohesive society 703
21.1 Overview 703
21.2 Living in a cohesive society 704
21.3 Threats to social cohesion 706
21.4 Protecting social cohesiveness 709
21.5 SkillBuilder: Using and referencing quotes
21.6 Resolving conflict 712
21.7 Resolving disputes between state and federal governments 715
21.8 Interpreting the Constitution 720
21.9 International law 723
21.10 Applying international treaties 726
21.11 SkillBuilder: A treaty in the classroom
21.12 International law and Indigenous Australians 733
21.13 SkillBuilder: You be the judge
21.14 Thinking Big research project: Create a bill of rights
21.15 Review
Economics and Business 739
22 Economic performance and living standards 741
22.1 Overview 741
22.2 Economic growth and Australia’s economy 742
22.3 Employment trends and Australia’s economy 746
22.4 Inflation rates and Australia’s economy 752
22.5 Sustainability indices and Australia’s economy 756
22.6 Other indicators of economic performance and Australia’s economy 758
22.7 SkillBuilder: Calculating inflation
22.8 Living standards related to economic performance 762
22.9 Measuring living standards 766
22.10 Macroeconomic policy options 768
22.11 Microeconomic policy options 774
22.12 Direct government intervention in the market 780
22.13 SkillBuilder: Preparing a budget
22.14 Thinking Big research project: How does Australia measure up?
22.15 Review
23 Influencing consumers: innovation and competition in the marketplace 786
23.1 Overview 786
23.2 Business influences on consumer decisions 787
23.3 Consumer choice, attitude and preference 790
23.4 Making major purchases 793
23.5 SkillBuilder: Choosing a mobile phone plan
23.6 Innovation 798
23.7 Emerging techniques 801
23.8 Pursuing competitive advantage 805
23.9 Strategies to create competitive advantage 809
23.10 Corporate social responsibility and competitive advantage 815
23.11 SkillBuilder: Analysing a business case study
23.12 Thinking Big research project: Hitting the target — multimedia advertising campaign
23.13 Review
24 The changing work environment in Australia 823
24.1 Overview 823
24.2 Influences on the way we work 824
24.3 Occupations and skills 832
24.4 Trends and changes to the workforce 838
24.5 Employment in the future 845
24.6 SkillBuilder: Predicting the outcomes of economic and business decisions
24.7 Thinking Big research project: How will I work? presentation
24.8 Review
Glossary 853
Index 867
ISBN: 9780730372431
ISBN-10: 073037243X
Series: Humanities Alive Series
Published: 25th December 2019
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Number of Pages: 904
Audience: Primary, Secondary and High School
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Australia
Country of Publication: AU
Edition Number: 2
Edition Type: Revised
Dimensions (cm): 27.5 x 22 x 3.5
Weight (kg): 1.83
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