Jacaranda Humanities Alive 7
Victorian Curriculum 2nd Edition learnOn & Print
By: Robert Darlington, Judy Mraz, Graeme Smithies, Matthew Richardson
Paperback | 15 November 2019 | Edition Number 2
At a Glance
720 Pages
28 x 22 x 2.5
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The latest editions of Jacaranda Humanities Alive Victorian Curriculum series include these key features:
- Choice – four titles in one, or single-subject titles
- teachON – video lessons by Victoria’s best teachers, teaching advice and lesson plans
- learnON – our most powerful digital learning platform
- An immersive digital platform in which students and teachers are connected
- Rich media to engage and inspire
- Immediate, corrective feedback for students and an in-built testmaker for teachers to create assignments from a large pool of questions for immediate, spaced and mixed practice.
- Results reported against skills and content allow unmatched visibility of students’ progress.
- Thinking Big research projects – creative, imaginative, collaborative activities
- SkillBuilders – Tell me, Show me, Let me do it!
For teachers, learnON includes additional teacher resources such as quarantined questions and answers, curriculum grids and work programs.
How to use the Jacaranda Humanities Alive resource suite xii
Acknowledgements xv
History 1
1 Historical skills and concepts 3
1.1 Overview 3
1.2 Why we study history 4
1.3 Historical skills 6
1.4 Ages, time and chronology 11
1.5 Detective work and archaeology 14
1.6 How old is it? 18
1.7 Perspectives and empathy 21
1.8 SkillBuilder: Sequencing events in chronological order Online only
1.9 Review Online only
2 The ancient world: c. 60 000 BCE to c. 650 CE 27
2.1 Overview 27
2.2 Examining the evidence 29
2.3 Out of Africa 31
2.4 A changing Paleolithic world 34
2.5 An amazing journey 37
2.6 The Mesolithic Age 40
2.7 The New Stone Age 42
2.8 Cities, laws, government 44
2.9 Society and culture 47
2.10 Civilisations and empires in North Africa, western Asia and Europe 50
2.11 Civilisations in South and East Asia 52
2.12 Ancient American civilisations 55
2.13 The ancient birth of modern religions and philosophies 58
2.14 SkillBuilder: Describing broad patterns of change Online only
2.15 Thinking Big research project: Museum exhibition guide Online only
2.16 Review Online only
3 Ancient Australia 65
3.1 Overview 65
3.2 Examining the evidence 67
3.3 The first people of Australia and the Torres Strait Islands 69
3.4 Managing an ancient land 74
3.5 Language and ceremony in ancient Australia 78
3.6 The ancient Australian economy 81
3.7 Society, custom and culture 87
3.8 Conflict and death in ancient Australia 91
3.9 Conserving the past 95
3.10 SkillBuilder: Developing a hypothesis Online only
3.11 Thinking Big research project: Communicating Kulin knowledge Online only
3.12 Review Online only
4 Ancient Egypt 105
4.1 Overview 105
4.2 Examining the evidence 107
4.3 The gift of the Nile 108
4.4 The people of Egypt 110
4.5 Pharaoh rules! 115
4.6 Gods and the afterlife 118
4.7 Mummies unwrapped 121
4.8 Write like an Egyptian 123
4.9 Pyramid builders 127
4.10 Tutankhamen, Akhenaten and Nefertiti 129
4.11 Expansion and fall 131
4.12 Rameses II — Egypt’s greatest pharaoh? 134
4.13 Egypt’s heritage 136
4.14 SkillBuilder: Analysing and corroborating sources Online only
4.15 Thinking Big research project: Ancient Egyptian archaeological excavation Online only
4.16 Review Online only
5 Ancient Greece 141
5.1 Overview 141
5.2 Examining the evidence 143
5.3 The Minoans and Mycenaeans 145
5.4 The ‘Dark Age’ to the Archaic Period 149
5.5 Government in Athens and Sparta 152
5.6 Everyday life in Sparta 155
5.7 Everyday life in Athens 159
5.8 Laws, myths, gods and oracles 163
5.9 The Olympic Games 167
5.10 Greeks, Persians and Alexander the Great 169
5.11 The heritage of ancient Greece 173
5.12 SkillBuilder: Analysing and corroborating sources Online only
5.13 Thinking Big research project: Helot manifesto Online only
5.14 Review Online only
6 Ancient Rome 178
6.1 Overview 178
6.2 Examining the evidence 180
6.3 The rise of the Romans 182
6.4 The spreading empire 185
6.5 The Roman army 187
6.6 Citizens and rulers 189
6.7 Spartacus and Nero: two significant individuals 193
6.8 Living in the Roman Empire 197
6.9 Death and the Romans 201
6.10 Roman law and religion 203
6.11 Decline and fall 207
6.12 Heritage of Rome 209
6.13 SkillBuilder: Analysing and corroborating sources Online only
6.14 Thinking Big research project: Campaign manager for a Roman Magistrate Online only
6.15 Review Online only
7 Ancient China 215
7.1 Overview 215
7.2 Examining the evidence 217
7.3 China’s civilisation begins 218
7.4 The people of ancient China 221
7.5 Everyday life and death 223
7.6 Ancient China and the natural environment 226
7.7 Confucianism, religion and law 228
7.8 Qin Shihuang, the first emperor of China 232
7.9 The rise and fall of the Han 236
7.10 The heritage of China 240
7.11 SkillBuilder: Analysing different perspectives Online only
7.12 Thinking Big research project: Han dynasty guide Online only
7.13 Review Online only
8 Ancient India 245
8.1 Overview 245
8.2 Examining the evidence 247
8.3 The geography of India 249
8.4 Lost cities of the Indus Valley 250
8.5 Contacts and conflicts: India and the ancient world 258
8.6 The Mauryan Empire: India’s first unified state 263
8.7 Ashoka the Great 265
8.8 The religions of ancient India 268
8.9 SkillBuilder: Analysing different perspectives Online only
8.10 Thinking Big research project: Hindu god fact cards Online only
8.11 Review Online only
Geography 279
9 Geographical skills and concepts 281
9.1 Overview 281
9.2 The world of Geography 282
9.3 Concepts and skills used in Geography 285
9.4 Review Online only
Unit 1 Water in the World 293
10 Our precious environmental resources 294
10.1 Overview 294
10.2 Environmental resources 295
10.3 Non-renewable energy in Australia and the world 300
10.4 SkillBuilder: Constructing a pie graph Online only
10.5 Water as a resource 305
10.6 SkillBuilder: Annotating a photograph Online only
10.7 Groundwater as a resource 308
10.8 Thinking Big research project: The Great Artesian Basin Online only
10.9 Review Online only
11 Water use and management in the world 317
11.1 Overview 317
11.2 Water in the world 318
11.3 Australia’s climate and how it affects water availability 324
11.4 SkillBuilder: How to read a map Online only
11.5 How do people use water? 327
11.6 SkillBuilder: Drawing a line graph Online only
11.7 Does everyone have enough water? 334
11.8 Virtual water 344
11.9 How can water be managed? 347
11.10 Thinking Big research project: Desalination plant advertising Online only
11.11 Review Online only
12 Water variability and its impacts 357
12.1 Overview 357
12.2 Weather and climate 358
12.3 SkillBuilder: Reading a weather map Online only
12.4 Natural hazards and natural disasters 362
12.5 Drought in Australia 364
12.6 Managing dry periods to reduce the impacts of drought 369
12.7 Bushfires in Australia 374
12.8 Floods and floodplains 378
12.9 Managing the impacts of floods 384
12.10 SkillBuilder: Interpreting diagrams Online only
12.11 Thinking Big research project: Water access comparison Online only
12.12 Review Online only
13 Natural hazards and extreme events 390
13.1 Overview 390
13.2 Why does the wind blow? 391
13.3 SkillBuilder: Cardinal points: wind roses Online only
13.4 Cyclones 398
13.5 Thunderstorms 407
13.6 SkillBuilder: Creating a simple column or bar graph Online only
13.7 Typhoons in Asia 413
13.8 The impact of tornadoes on people and the environment 415
13.9 When water turns to ice and snow 422
13.10 Responding to extreme weather events 428
13.11 Thinking Big research project: Weather hazard documentary Online only
13.12 Review Online only
Fieldwork inquiry: What is the water quality of my local catchment? Online only
Unit 2 Place and Liveability 433
14 Choosing a place to live 434
14.1 Overview 434
14.2 A sense of place 435
14.3 Why people live in certain places 438
14.4 Where do you live and why? 441
14.5 Australians living in remote places 444
14.6 SkillBuilder: Using topographic maps Online only
14.7 ‘Lifestyle’ places 452
14.8 Liveable places in Australia 458
14.9 SkillBuilder: Creating a concept diagram Online only
14.10 Thinking Big research project: Harmony Week presentation Online only
14.11 Review Online only
15 A world of people and places 467
15.1 Overview 467
15.2 Why we live where we do 468
15.3 SkillBuilder: Understanding satellite images Online only
15.4 Growth cities in Australia 471
15.5 SkillBuilder: Using alphanumeric grid references Online only
15.6 Life in a country town 474
15.7 Seasonal places 477
15.8 Places of change 480
15.9 Isolated settlements 486
15.10 A nomadic way of life 488
15.11 India, past and present 492
15.12 Thinking Big research project: Investigating change over time Online only
15.13 Review Online only
16 Liveable places 503
16.1 Overview 503
16.2 Defining liveability 504
16.3 Where are the most liveable cities? 507
16.4 SkillBuilder: Drawing a climate graph Online only
16.5 Melbourne — a liveable city 511
16.6 Liveability and sustainable living 514
16.7 Less liveable cities 516
16.8 Improving liveability 523
16.9 Liveable communities and me 529
16.10 SkillBuilder: Creating and analysing overlay maps Online only
16.11 Thinking Big research project: Liveable cities investigation and oral presentation Online only
16.12 Review Online only
Geographical inquiry: What is my place like? Online only
Civics and Citizenship 539
17 The Australian Constitution, parliament and government 541
17.1 Overview 541
17.2 Why we have a constitution 542
17.3 Sharing the power 544
17.4 Changing the Constitution 549
17.5 Difficulties in changing the Constitution 553
17.6 SkillBuilder: Questioning and research Online only
17.7 Role and structure of the Commonwealth Parliament 556
17.8 State and territory parliaments 558
17.9 Water management — an issue for all levels of government 562
17.10 SkillBuilder: Problem solving and decision making Online only
17.11 Thinking Big research project: An Australian republic? Online only
17.12 Review Online only
18 The legal system and you 567
18.1 Overview 567
18.2 How a court works 568
18.3 The presumption of innocence 570
18.4 A fair trial 573
18.5 Access to justice and legal representation 577
18.6 SkillBuilder: Debating an issue Online only
18.7 Thinking Big research project: Create your own ‘Justice’ video Online only
18.8 Review Online only
19 Australian citizenship, diversity and identity 582
19.1 Overview 582
19.2 Key features of Australian society 583
19.3 Australian values 586
19.4 The search for an Australian identity 589
19.5 SkillBuilder: Developing argument paragraphs Online only
19.6 Thinking Big research project: Investigating religions in Australia booklet Online only
19.7 Review Online only
Economics and Business 593
20 Working for a living — the world of consumers and producers 595
20.1 Overview 595
20.2 The importance of businesses as producers 596
20.3 Responding to consumer demand 599
20.4 Determining prices 602
20.5 Influencing overseas producers 605
20.6 SkillBuilder: Communicating information in tables and graphs Online only
20.7 The importance of work 609
20.8 Why we work 614
20.9 Different types of work 618
20.10 Work, the economy and society 625
20.11 Alternative sources of income 629
20.12 SkillBuilder: Analysing and interpreting graphs Online only
20.13 Thinking Big research project: How technology gets me to school Online only
20.14 Review Online only
21 Individual and business success 637
21.1 Overview 637
21.2 Short-term personal financial goals 638
21.3 Long-term personal financial goals 643
21.4 Keeping business financial records 648
21.5 Business financial planning 654
21.6 SkillBuilder: Conducting a survey Online only
21.7 Being an entrepreneur 658
21.8 Business owner or entrepreneur? 661
21.9 Business success: high-quality product and location 665
21.10 Business success: quality service and sound management practices 668
21.11 SkillBuilder: Writing a business case study Online only
21.12 Thinking Big research project: Shopping habits Online only
21.13 Review Online only
Glossary 674
Index 686
ISBN: 9780730372837
ISBN-10: 0730372839
Series: Humanities Alive Series
Published: 15th November 2019
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Number of Pages: 720
Audience: Primary, Secondary and High School
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Australia
Country of Publication: AU
Edition Number: 2
Edition Type: Revised
Dimensions (cm): 28 x 22 x 2.5
Weight (kg): 1.5
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