Jacaranda Humanities Alive 9
Victorian Curriculum 2nd Edition learnON & Print
By: Robert Darlington, Nicholas Hughes, Graeme Smithies, Ashley Wood, Jill Price
Paperback | 18 December 2019 | Edition Number 2
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832 Pages
27.5 x 21.5 x 3
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The latest editions of Jacaranda Humanities Alive Victorian Curriculum series include these key features:
- Choice – four titles in one, or single-subject titles
- teachON – video lessons by Victoria’s best teachers, teaching advice and lesson plans
- learnON – our most powerful digital learning platform
- An immersive digital platform in which students and teachers are connected
- Rich media to engage and inspire
- Immediate, corrective feedback for students and an in-built testmaker for teachers to create assignments from a large pool of questions for immediate, spaced and mixed practice.
- Results reported against skills and content allow unmatched visibility of students’ progress.
- Thinking Big research projects – creative, imaginative, collaborative activities
- SkillBuilders – Tell me, Show me, Let me do it!
For teachers, learnON includes additional teacher resources such as quarantined questions and answers, curriculum grids and work programs.
How to use the Jacaranda Humanities Alive resource suite x
Acknowledgements xiii
History 1
1 Historical skills and concepts 3
1.1 Overview 3
1.2 Why we study history 4
1.3 Historical skills 6
1.4 Perspectives and empathy 14
1.5 SkillBuilder: Sequencing events in chronological order
1.6 Review
2 The Industrial Revolution: Technology and progress 19
2.1 Overview 19
2.2 Examining the evidence 21
2.3 Causes of the Industrial Revolution 23
2.4 The agricultural revolution 26
2.5 The growth of empire 31
2.6 Entrepreneurs, banks and the middle class 35
2.7 The population explosion 38
2.8 Power: from horses, wind and water to steam 41
2.9 Making textiles: from home to factory 45
2.10 Coal and iron 49
2.11 Canals, roads, railways and shipping 51
2.12 Industrial innovation spreads to the world 57
2.13 SkillBuilder: Identifying continuity and change
2.14 Thinking Big research project: Promoting industrialisation
2.15 Review
3 The Industrial Revolution: The impact on people 62
3.1 Overview 62
3.2 Examining the evidence 64
3.3 The impact of enclosure 66
3.4 Conditions in factories and mines 71
3.5 Child labour 75
3.6 Urban conditions and people’s health 78
3.7 Poor laws and workhouses 81
3.8 Social unrest and trade unions 83
3.9 The growth in ideas 87
3.10 Reformers and progress 93
3.11 SkillBuilder: Analysing different perspectives
3.12 Thinking Big research project: City life visual diary
3.13 Review
4 Movement of peoples (1750–1914) 98
4.1 Overview 98
4.2 Examining the evidence 100
4.3 Overview of slavery 102
4.4 Slavery and the cotton trade 108
4.5 The end of slavery? 111
4.6 Crime and punishment 113
4.7 Transportation to Australia 116
4.8 Convict life 120
4.9 Emigration to Australia 124
4.10 Migration to the goldfields 128
4.11 SkillBuilder: Analysing cause and effect
4.12 Thinking Big research project: A migrant’s letter home
4.13 Review
5 Australia (1750–1918): Colonisation and conflict 135
5.1 Overview 135
5.2 Examining the evidence 137
5.3 Two civilisations meet 141
5.4 Resistance 148
5.5 Tragedy in Van Diemen’s Land 152
5.6 1835: Conquest — the great land rush to Port Phillip 155
5.7 Violence on the frontier 160
5.8 Reserves, missions and responses 165
5.9 A long, forgotten war 174
5.10 The Torres Strait Islanders 179
5.11 A celestial presence: the Chinese in Australia 181
5.12 SkillBuilder: Determining historical significance
5.13 The ideal of ‘White Australia’ 186
5.14 Thinking Big research project: Colonisation and conflict exhibition
5.15 Review
6 Australia (1750–1918): From colonies to nationhood 193
6.1 Overview 193
6.2 Examining the evidence 195
6.3 Towards democracy: Eureka and political rights 197
6.4 Whose Australia? Free selectors vs squatters 205
6.5 An Australian legend 207
6.6 Marvellous Melbourne: a city giant 211
6.7 Working in cities and towns 215
6.8 Trade unions and political parties 218
6.9 Nationalism and Australian identity 222
6.10 SkillBuilder: Analysing cartoons
6.11 Voting rights for women 226
6.12 Federation 231
6.13 The early Commonwealth 238
6.14 Thinking Big research project: The Federation Game
6.15 Review
7 China (1750–1918) 245
7.1 Overview 245
7.2 Examining the evidence 247
7.3 Qing China 249
7.4 Living under the emperor 252
7.5 Arrival of the foreigners 255
7.6 Expansion, trade, conflict 257
7.7 Economic and social effects 262
7.8 Resistance in China 268
7.9 Continuity and change 273
7.10 SkillBuilder: Analysing cause and effect
7.11 Thinking Big research project: Key events visual summary
7.12 Review
8 World War I (1914–1918) 278
8.1 Overview 278
8.2 Examining the evidence 280
8.3 What caused the Great War? 283
8.4 The world at war 289
8.5 Australians in the Great War 292
8.6 Gallipoli 295
8.7 Gallipoli: the historical debate 301
8.8 Trench warfare 303
8.9 The Western Front 305
8.10 The home front 308
8.11 The conscription issue 314
8.12 The Eastern Front: collapse and revolution 317
8.13 Peace and commemoration 321
8.14 The war’s impact on Australia’s international relations 326
8.15 SkillBuilder: Analysing photos
8.16 Thinking Big research project: Western Front battlefields guide
8.17 Review
Geography 333
9 Geographical skills and concepts 335
9.1 Overview 335
9.2 Work and careers in Geography 336
9.3 Concepts and skills used in Geography 338
9.4 Review
Unit 1 Biomes and Food Security 345
10 All the world is a biome 346
10.1 Overview346
10.2 Defining biomes 347
10.3 SkillBuilder: Describing spatial relationships in thematic maps
10.4 The characteristics of biomes 350
10.5 Australia’s major biomes 355
10.6 The grassland biome 357
10.7 Coastal wetlands 361
10.8 SkillBuilder: Constructing and describing a transect on a topographic map
10.9 Coral reefs 364
10.10 Managing and protecting biomes 368
10.11 Thinking Big research project: Our world of biomes AVD
10.12 Review
11 Feeding the world 373
11.1 Overview 373
11.2 What does the world eat? 374
11.3 How can we feed the world? 376
11.4 Modifying biomes for agriculture 381
11.5 Food production in Australia 384
11.6 SkillBuilder: Describing patterns and correlations on a topographic map
11.7 Indigenous Australians’ food security over time 391
11.8 Rice — an important food crop 399
11.9 Cacao — a vital cash crop 405
11.10 SkillBuilder: Constructing ternary graphs
11.11 Thinking Big research project: Subsistence living gap-year diary
11.12 Review
12 The impacts of global food production 411
12.1 Overview 411
12.2 Food production’s effect on biomes 412
12.3 Changing our forest biome 415
12.4 SkillBuilder: GIS — deconstructing a map
12.5 Paper profits, global losses? 419
12.6 Depleting our bountiful ocean biome 424
12.7 SkillBuilder: Interpreting a geographical cartoon
12.8 Losing the land 428
12.9 The effects of farmland irrigation 431
12.10 Diminishing global biodiversity 437
12.11 Does farming cause global warming? 441
12.12 Thinking Big research project: Fished out! PowerPoint
12.13 Review
13 Challenges to food security 447
13.1 Overview 447
13.2 Global food security 448
13.3 SkillBuilder: Constructing and describing complex choropleth maps
13.4 Impacts of land loss on food security 452
13.5 SkillBuilder: Interpreting satellite images to show change over time
13.6 Water — a vital part of the picture 457
13.7 Climate change challenges for food security 460
13.8 Managing food wastage 464
13.9 Thinking Big research project: Famine crisis report
13.10 Review
14 Meeting our future global food needs 470
14.1 Overview 470
14.2 Can we feed the future world population? 471
14.3 Improving food production 474
14.4 Global food aid 477
14.5 SkillBuilder: Constructing a box scattergram
14.6 SkillBuilder: Constructing and describing proportional circles on maps
14.7 Do Australians need food aid? 482
14.8 The effects of dietary changes on food supply 485
14.9 Urban farms to feed urban populations 489
14.10 Thinking Big research project: Community garden design
14.11 Review
Geographical inquiry: Biomes and food security
Unit 2 Geographies of Interconnection 494
15 Connecting with our places 495
15.1 Overview 495
15.2 ‘Seeing’ places 496
15.3 SkillBuilder: Interpreting topological maps
15.4 The meaning of ‘land’ 498
15.5 Changing places 502
15.6 Modes of accessing places 504
15.7 Walking to connect 510
15.8 SkillBuilder: Constructing and describing isoline maps
15.9 Providing access to places for everyone 515
15.10 Connecting with the world 518
15.11 Thinking Big research project: Fieldwork — moving around our spaces
15.12 Review
16 Tourists on the move 523
16.1 Overview 523
16.2 The importance of tourism 524
16.3 Global tourism 528
16.4 SkillBuilder: Constructing and describing a doughnut chart
16.5 Australian tourism 533
16.6 SkillBuilder: Creating a survey
16.7 SkillBuilder: Describing divergence graphs
16.8 The impacts of tourism 538
16.9 Managing environmental impacts — eco-friendly tourism 540
16.10 Cultural tourism 546
16.11 Tourism and sport 551
16.12 Thinking Big research project: Design a 7-day cruise adventure
16.13 Review
17 Trade — a driving force for interconnection 556
17.1 Overview 556
17.2 How does trade connect us? 557
17.3 Australia’s global trade 559
17.4 Food trade around the world 563
17.5 SkillBuilder: Constructing multiple line and cumulative line graphs
17.6 Impacts of globalisation 568
17.7 Making trade fair 571
17.8 Global connections through Australian Aid 573
17.9 The troubling illegal wildlife trade 576
17.10 SkillBuilder: Constructing and describing a flow map
17.11 Thinking Big research project: World Trade Fair infographic
17.12 Review
18 Global ICT — connections, disparity and impacts 583
18.1 Overview 583
18.2 Information and communications technology 584
18.3 The internet connects us 585
18.4 Connected Australians 589
18.5 Improving lives via digital connection — Kenya 591
18.6 Forging new ICT directions — India 594
18.7 The impact of ICT production 597
18.8 The future for e-waste 601
18.9 SkillBuilder: Constructing a table of data for a GIS
18.10 SkillBuilder: Using advanced survey techniques — interviews
18.11 Thinking Big research project: Trash or treasure?
18.12 Review
Fieldwork inquiry: What are the effects of travel in the local community?
Civics and Citizenship 607
19 Choosing a government 609
19.1 Overview 609
19.2 Australia’s political parties 610
19.3 Voting and the federal electoral process 615
19.4 Influencing your vote 623
19.5 After the election — the formation of government 629
19.6 The role of the prime minister and Cabinet 636
19.7 SkillBuilder: Creating and analysing a table
19.8 Thinking Big research project: Founding a political party
19.9 Review
20 Australia’s justice system and the courts 642
20.1 Overview 642
20.2 The court hierarchy 643
20.3 The roles of particular courts 648
20.4 Different courts, different jurisdictions 652
20.5 How the courts make laws 657
20.6 SkillBuilder: Problem solving and decision making
20.7 Equality before the law 663
20.8 The independence of our courts 666
20.9 The right of appeal 669
20.10 When the system fails 672
20.11 SkillBuilder: Creating and analysing a survey
20.12 Thinking Big research project: Protecting human rights
20.13 Review
21 Identity, the media and global connectedness 680
21.1 Overview 680
21.2 Australian democracy and global connections 681
21.3 Shaping Australian identity 684
21.4 Attitudes to diversity 689
21.5 Participating in civic life 691
21.6 SkillBuilder: Debating an issue
21.7 Thinking Big research project: Don’t stereotype me!
21.8 Review
Economics and Business 697
22 The Australian and global economies 699
22.1 Overview 699
22.2 Participants in the Australian economy 700
22.3 Objectives of the Australian economy 706
22.4 Indicators of economic performance 710
22.5 Trade with other economies 715
22.6 Imports and the Australian economy 718
22.7 Global events and the Australian economy 723
22.8 SkillBuilder: Questioning and research
22.9 Globalisation and the international economy 727
22.10 Global supply chains 732
22.11 Transnational corporations 735
22.12 SkillBuilder: Developing graphs from tables
22.13 Thinking Big research project: An international menu
22.14 Review
23 Managing financial risk 742
23.1 Overview 742
23.2 Banks and other deposit-taking institutions 743
23.3 Different types of investment 746
23.4 Protection from financial risk 749
23.5 Managing debt 754
23.6 SkillBuilder: Reading a sharemarket chart
23.7 Thinking Big research project: Share investment — a risky business?
23.8 Review
24 Being enterprising 759
24.1 Overview 759
24.2 Entrepreneurial behaviours 760
24.3 Famous entrepreneurs 766
24.4 Encouraging entrepreneurial behaviours within businesses 769
24.5 SkillBuilder: Creating a mind map
24.6 Thinking Big research project: The next big thing!
24.7 Review
25 Participants in the changing work environment 776
25.1 Overview 776
25.2 Australian workplace participants 777
25.3 Changing roles of employees 781
25.4 Employer responsibilities 784
25.5 Government responsibilities 787
25.6 SkillBuilder: Preparing a resume
25.7 Thinking Big research project: Workplace evolution presentation
25.8 Review
Glossary 792
Index 803
ISBN: 9780730372363
ISBN-10: 0730372367
Series: Humanities Alive Series
Published: 18th December 2019
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Number of Pages: 832
Audience: Primary, Secondary and High School
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Australia
Country of Publication: AU
Edition Number: 2
Edition Type: Revised
Dimensions (cm): 27.5 x 21.5 x 3
Weight (kg): 1.69
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