Jessie Stephens

Jessie Stephens

"Happiness is something more often felt in retrospect – a sensation you later ascribe to memories."

Jessie Stephens is arguably best known for her role as the Executive Editor at Mamamia, Australia’s largest independent women’s media company. As the co-host of the platform’s flagship podcast, Mamamia Out Loud, she has won an award for Australia’s Best Podcast Series.

In recent years, Jessie has taken to writing books. Her debut release, Heartsick, is a series of three true stories about love and how heartbreak can change us. Next, she wrote a fiction novel, this time a contemporary release titled Something Bad is Going to Happen. This story follows a late twenty-something who is in a psychiatric unit recovering from a mental breakdown – then tracks back in time to trace the threads of her life to discover how she got there.

Jessie Stephens is both an inspiring Australian author and a local pop culture icon.

Meet Jessie Stephens

Jessie Stephens - and her twin Clare – were born in 1991. Clare claims that Jessie’s writing had “sass and tone” even in primary school, and by the time they were finishing up at university, they were working together on a blog about pop culture and young women.

The two would often work together, with Jessie’s creative flair and Clare’s precise language working together to share stories with both clarity and pizzazz. Even when Jessie faced debilitating bouts of writer’s block, working together on a blog with her twin helped her to move through it.

Today, Jessie is known for her genuine openness, her way with words, and her love of chocolate.

In 2023 alone, Jessie got married, bought a home, released her second book, and hosted a baby – all without stopping work on her podcasts, or on her Executive Editor duties at Mamamia. She and her husband and child live in Sydney with their dog, Chilli.

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