Introduction to the
Jewish Bible
ï»ï»Five Books of Moses
This book is not intended to convert Christians to Judaism [The Jewish religion rejects conversions, unless a person wants with all his heart to live as a Jew, and the rabbis make it difficult for a person to convert. It generally takes between 4-8 years to convert!!!], but to show the true translation of the Bible from the holy language [Hebrew] to English directly, and not from Hebrew to Greek, and Greek to Latin....and other languages, until the Bible is translated into English [what we call it - broken phone].
You should know that there are 150,000 types of the Christian Bible!!!!
First you need to know that the Bible was originally written in the holy language, which today is called Hebrew.
The Tanach itself went through a series of translations from language to language until today's English language.
As a whole, the Tanakh was translated from the holy language into Greek, and from Greek into Latin, and from there into the ancient Agalic, and then into the more modern English.
The problem is when translating from language to language the original meaning is lost.
In the translation of languages, there is no realistic possibility of making a completely accurate translation, since in every language there are several translation options for most words, and each word has a different connotation and also differs to a certain extent from the exact connotation of the original word in the source language.
The most classic example of this is this:
In the book of Exodus chapter 34 verse 29, it is explained that - KARAN [קר×?] is the skin of Moses' face.
The word KARAN [קר×?] has at least two meanings:
A. Radiant.
B. A horn, like that of a bull.
There are other meanings to this word that do not belong to this introduction.
An incorrect translation of the Book of Exodus by Jerome [the Vulgate] into Latin led to an error in the interpretation of the phrase - The horn of the skin of his face. [Exodus 34:29]. And because of this, in Renaissance sculptures, Moshe's forehead was added Horns.