PROVISIONAL CONTENTS Volume I 1. John P. Kotter, 'What Leaders Really Do', Harvard Business Review, 1990, 68, 2, 103--11. 2. John P. Kotter, 'Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail', Harvard Business Review, 1995, 59--67. 3. Frederick W. Hill, 'Leadership: A Personal Journey', Executive Speeches, Feb./Mar. 2004, 5--9. 4. Warren Bennis, 'The Leadership Factor', Fortune, Jan. 1988, 173--4. 5. Erica Brown, 'Making Inspired Leaders: New Approaches to Jewish Leadership Development', Journal of Jewish Communal Service, Fall/Winter 2005, 63--72. 6. Human Synergistics International, 'Using the Organizational Culture Inventory (OCI) to Measure Kotter and Heskett's Adaptive and Unadaptive Cultures'. 7. Toba Schwaber Kerson, 'On Becoming a Leader/The Art of the Leader/The Leadership Factor', Administration in Social Work, 1991, 15, 3, 144--8. 8. Carolyn Aiken and Scott Keller, 'The Irrational Side of Change Management', McKinsey Quarterly, 2009, 2, 100--9. 9. Rosemary Stewart, 'The Nature of Management? A Problem in Management Education', Journal of Management Studies, 1984, 21, 3, 323--30. 10. M. McCall Jr, 'Real Managers', Administrative Science Quarterly, 1988, 33, 3, 498--501. 11. Benjamin E. Hermalin, 'Towards an Economic Theory of Leadership', American Economic Review, 1998, 88, 5, 1188--206. 12. Marshall W. Meyer, 'Leadership and Organizational Structure', American Journal of Sociology, 1975, 81, 3, 514--42. 13. Richard T. Morris and Melvin Sleeman, 'The Problem of Leadership', American Journal of Sociology, 1950, 56, 2, 149--55. 14. Eben Mumford, 'The Origin of Leadership', American Journal of Sociology, 1906, 12, 2, 216--40. 15. Daniel Goleman, 'What Makes A Leader?', Harvard Business Review, 1998, 76, 6, 93--102. 16. Ameila Newcomb, 'John Kotter on Leading System Transformation', School Administrator, 2008, 65, 4, 10--12. 17. Keith A. Nitta et al., 'Leading Change of a School District Reorganization', Public Performance and Management Review, 2009, 32, 3, 463--88. 18. Jane McDonald and Jill Lammert, 'The Challenges of Educational Reform in Modern-Day Peru', International Journal of Educational Reform, 2006, 15, 1, 38--55. 19. Geoff Scott, 'Effective Change Management in Higher Education', Educause Review, 2003, 38, 6, 64--80. 20. Dona L. Harris et al., 'Facilitating Academic Institutional Change: Redefining Scholarship', Faculty Development, 2003, 35, 3, 187--94. 21. Peggy Hinckley, 'Making Change Work', American School Board Journal, Mar. 2009, 27--8. 22. Ronald A. Lindahl, 'Reflections on Educational Reform in Cuba', International Journal of Educational Reform, 1998, 7, 4, 300--8. 23. Aidan Halligan and Liam Donaldson, 'Implementing Clinical Governance: Turning Vision into Reality', British Medical Journal, 2001, 322, 1413--17. 24. Nielsen Business Media 'Kaiser Permanente: A Healthy Approach to Change', Training, 2008, 45, 5, 32--4. 25. Thad L. Beyle and Robert K. Whelan, 'Urban Political Leadership', Public Administration Review, 1975, 35, 6, 652--7. 26. Theodore L. Reed, 'Mayors in Action: Five Approaches to Urban Governance', American Journal of Sociology, 1976, 81, 6, 1521--3. 27. Georgia A. Parsons, 'Reflections of Mayoral Leadership: the Impact of Changing Issues and Changing Times', Phylon, 1960, 46, 3, 205--18. 28. R. J. Canter, 'Implementing a New Curriculum in Surgery: What is Going Well and Lessons Learned', ANZ Journal of Surgery, 2007, 77. 29. Jim Hyde, 'How to Make the Rhetoric Really Work', Australia and New Zealand Health Policy, 2008, 5, 22. Volume II 30. James K. Stoller et al., 'An Analysis of Features of Respiratory Therapy Departments that are Avid for Change', Respiratory Care, 2008, 53, 7, 871--84. 31. Vyjeyanthi S. Periyakoil, 'Change Management: The Secret Sauce of Successful Program Building', Journal of Palliative Medicine, 2009, 12, 4, 329--30. 32. C. B. Gibson and G. A. Macroalides, 'The Invariance of Leadership Across Four Countries', Journal of Management Issues, 1995. 33. Liisa Huusko, 'The Lack of Skills: An Obstacle in Teamwork', Team Performance Management, 2006, 12, 1/2, 5--16. 34. Lee G. Bolman and Terrence E. Deal, 'Looking for Leadership: Another Search Party's Report', Educational Administration Quarterly, 1994, 30, 1, 77--96. 35. Robert E. Kaplan, Wilfred H. Drath, and Joan R. Kofodimos, 'High Hurdles: The Challenge of Executive Development', Academy of Management Executive, 1987, 1, 3, 195--205. 36. Hans Henrik Jorgensen, Lawrence Owen, and Andrew Neus, 'Stop Improvising Change Management', Strategy and Leadership, 2009, 37, 3, 38--44. 37. John Austin, 'Mapping Out a Game Plan for Change', HR Magazine, 2009, 39, 5, 38--42. 38. Henry Hornstein, 'Using a Change Management Approach to Implement IT Programs', Ivey Business Journal, Jan.--Feb. 2008. 39. Kevin Craine, 'Managing the Cycle of Change', Information Management Journal, 2007, 6. 40. John P. Meyer et al., 'Employee Commitment and Support for Organizational Change: Test of the Three-Component Model in Two Cultures', Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 2007, 80, 185--211. 41. Mary K. Pratt, 'Leading Change', Computerworld, 2005, 33, 2, 35--7. 42. Herbert S. White, 'Should Leaders Want to be Managers and give up all that Freedom?', Library Journal, 15 Sept. 1997, 48--9. 43. Gina D. Matesic, 'Every Step You Change: A Process of Change and Ongoing Management', Journal of Library Administration, 2009, 49, 1/2, 35--49. 44. Denise Stephens and Keith Russell, 'Organizational Development, Leadership, Change and the Future of Libraries', Library Trends, 2004, 53, 1, 238--57. 45. Eric Abrahamson, 'Managing Change in a World of Excessive Change: Counterbalancing Creative Destruction and Creative Recombination', Ivey Business Journal, 2004, 68, 3, 1--9. 46. Mark Lipton, 'Walking the Talk (Really!) Why Visions Fail', Ivey Business Journal, 2004, 68, 3, 1--7. 47. James N. Bara and Jeffrey Pfeffer, 'The Social Psychology of Organizations and Inequality', Social Psychology Quarterly, 1994, 57, 3, 190--209. 48. Christine M. Shea, 'The Effect of Leadership Style on Performance Management', Journal of Business, 1999, 72, 3, 40--54. 49. A. D. Amar, Carsten Hentrich, and Vlatka Hlupic, 'To be a Better Leader, Give up Authority', Harvard Business Review, 2009, 87, 12, 22--4. 50. Larry Bossidy, 'What Your Leader Expects of You', Harvard Business Review, 2007, 85, 4, 58--65. 51. Michael Maccoby, 'Narcissistic Leaders', Harvard Business Review, 2000, 78, 1, 68--77. 52. Daniel Goleman, 'Leadership that Gets Results', Harvard Business Review, 2000, 78, 2, 2, 78--90. 53. Rune Todnem By, 'Organizational Change Management: A Critical Review', Journal of Change Management, 2005, 5, 4, 369--80. 54. June Huntington, Stephen Gillam, and Rebecca Rosen, 'Organisational Development for Clinical Governance', British Medical Journal, 679--82, Sept. 2000. 55. Liisa Huusko, 'The Lack of Skills: An Obstacle in Teamwork', Team Performance Management, 2006, 12, 1, 2, 5--16. 56. R. J. Watts, N. G. Cuellar, and A. L. O'Sullivan, 'Developing a Blueprint for Cultural Competence Education at Penn', Journal of Professional Nursing, 2008, 24, 3, 136--42. 57. H. Appleby and S. Tempest, 'Using Change Management Theory to Implement the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) in Clinical Practice', British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2006, 69, 10, 477--80. 58. R. J. Campbell, 'Change Management in Health Care', Health Care Manager, 2008, 27, 1, 23--39. 59. Alan Berkeley Thomas, 'Does Leadership Make a Difference to Organizational Performance?', Administrative Science Quarterly, 1988, 33, 3, 388--400. 60. Sergio Fernandez and Hal G. Rainey, 'Managing Successful Change in the Public Sector', Public Administration Review, Mar./Apr. 2006, 168--76. 61. Thang V. Ngyuyen, 'Managing Change in Vietnamese State-Owned Enterprises: What is the Best Strategy?', Human Resources Management Review, 2003, 13, 3, 423--39.