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Jung : An Introduction Into the World of Carl Jung: The Shadow, the Archetypes and the Symbols - Meredith Moonchild


An Introduction Into the World of Carl Jung: The Shadow, the Archetypes and the Symbols

By: Meredith Moonchild

Booklet | 20 September 2016

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Carl Jung was really close to Sigmund Freud. They even became friends over the years, but they parted ways when it came to psychology. While Freud's approach was clinical and scientific in the Western sense, Jung started to draw his inspiration from Eastern philosophies and religions.

Because of Carl Jung we have today a bridge between the mythological and mysterious world and the world of psychology. His research into dreams and sub-conscious parts of the minds offers riveting insights into human psychology that none before him have been able to.

While Freudian psychology is still the branch most taught within universities, there is a large undercurrent of Jungian psychology seeping into our society. Especially the spiritualists and the New Age movement have embraced Jung as a teacher to better understand their own "Shadows" and dark aspects of the psyche.

In this short read you will be given a concise and insightful introduction into the world and psychology of Carl Jung.

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