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Kochie's 11-Step Money Plan For a Better Life - David Koch

Kochie's 11-Step Money Plan For a Better Life

By: David Koch

Paperback | 26 March 2019

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Kochie has spent years writing about money and talking to Australians from all walks of life about pretty much everything.

He knows how we think. He knows that most of us worry about sorting our finances, but few of us do it well, if at all. He knows that we avoid the task for many reasons, but not least because we can't get the right advice: it is either unnecessarily complex, unrealistically simplistic, or just not pertinent to our particular time of life.

So David Koch has written a book that is not too hard, not too easy, and tailored for the group that needs it most: high expense families on average incomes.

Kochie shows readers how to: Earn more; Cut expenses; Invest wisely; Make the most of tax benefits; Take control when dealing with the bank/super fund/insurance company; Sort the purchase of the family home or investment property, and; Create a system that will allow the average punter to nail their life admin in under 10 minutes a day.

Best of all, Kochie show us how the right amount and type of money management will help better fund the things we love doing and allow us to better enjoy stress-free relationships with those we love.

About the Author

Best known today as the co-host of the Seven Network's Sunrise program - Australia's top rating breakfast TV program for the last 14 consecutive years - David Koch is a highly respected business and finance commentator.

Kochie is credited with starting consumer finance journalism in Australia when he created Personal Investment Magazine in 1983 and went on to launch similar magazines in New Zealand and the UK. He has always had a passion for explaining money and investment issues in an informative and entertaining way.

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