La Corbeau Blanche - Teoni Spathelfer

La Corbeau Blanche

By: Teoni Spathelfer, Nicole Laurendeau (Translator), Natassia Davies (Illustrator)

Paperback | 15 April 2025

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Available: 15th April 2025

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Corbeau Blanc est nee sur une le, dans un joli village.Pendant les premieres annees de sa vie, elle a grandi entouree de sa famille, de sa communaute et de la nature. Tout a change quand elle avait six ans.

Maintenant adulte et mere de famille, Petit Loup quitte la ville pour retrouver l'le de ses ancetres. Elle veut faire connatre ses filles la beaute et les mysteres du monde naturel et les rapprocher de leur culture. Sa mere, Corbeau Blanc, vient souvent leur rendre visite. Mais le plaisir de voir les fillettes s'amuser et apprendre ne l'empeche pas d'avoir le cur lourd.

Corbeau Blanc est l'une des 150000enfants autochtones places de force dans des pensionnats canadiens. Elle doit maintenant raconter son histoire ses petites-filles. Parler de ces moments difficiles l'aide trouver la guerison et unit la famille encore davantage.Corbeau Blancretrace l'experience de la mere de l'auteure dans un pensionnat. C'est un recit de survie, de guerison et d'unite familiale.


Little Wolf, grown up with children of her own, moves to the country where her mother, White Raven, shares a sad story from her childhood.

All grown up with a family of her own, Little Wolf moves from the big city to the island of her ancestors. She wants to share the beauty and mysteries of nature with her children, and she wants them to learn as much about their culture as possible. One day, Little Wolf's mother, White Raven, visits and begins to tell her grandchildren stories from her own childhood. But the stories are not happy ones. As a child, White Raven left her family to attend St. Michael's Residential School in Alert Bay, BC. While there, she experienced hunger, loneliness, shame, and isolation from her language and her culture. Even years later, as a grown woman and Elder, she has nightmares about her time at the school. But by sharing her story with Little Wolf and her grandchildren, White Raven begins to heal and brings the family closer together.

Through simple, heartfelt text and vivid illustrations that combine contemporary and traditional Indigenous motifs, White Raven is an engaging teaching tool as well as a relatable narrative about the impact of intergenerational trauma on families. Based on the author's own life and her mother's residential school experience, the central message of this book is one of healing and family unity.

Shortlist, Indigenous Voices Awards 2022

Shortlist, City of Victoria Children's Book Prize 2022

Longlist, First Nation Communities READ Awards 2022/2023

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