Labor Markets and DevelopmentEdited ByRavi Kanbur and Jan SvejnarOverview1. Ravi Kanbur, Cornell University, and Jan Svejnar, University of Michigan, "Labor Markets and Development: Overview."Part I Employment, Poverty and Labor Market Dynamics2. Catalina Gutierrez, Pierella Paci, Carlo Orecchia, and Pieter Serneels, The World Bank, "Does Employment Generation Really Matter for Poverty Reduction?"3. Dipak Mazumdar, University of Toronto and Sandip Sarkar, Institute of Human Development, Delhi, "Employment Elasticity in Organized Manufacturing in India."4. Thomas Dohmen, Maastricht University, and Hartmut Lehmann, University of Bologna, and Mark E. Schaffer, Heriot-Watt University, "Wage Determination and Wage Inequality inside a Russian Firm in Late Transition: Evidence from Personnel Data - 1997-2002."5. David Lam, University of Michigan, Murray Leibbrandt, University of Cape Town, and Cecil Mlatsheni, University of Cape Town, "Education and Youth Unemployment in South Africa."6. Insan Tunali, Koc University, "Analysis of Attrition Patterns in the Turkish Household Labor Force Survey, 2000-2002."Part II Formality, Informality and Labor Market Regulation7. Ted To, Bureau of Labor Statistics, "Monopsonistic Competition in Formal and Informal Labor Markets."8. John Bennett, Brunel University and Saul Estrin, LSE, "Informality as a Stepping Stone: Entrepreneurial Entry in a Developing Economy."9. Theis Theisen, Agder University College, Norway, "Multiple-Job-Holding in Tanzania."10. Mariano Bosch, Universidad de Alicante, "Regulation of Entry, Informality and Policy Complementarities."11. Santiago Levy, Chief Economist, Inter-American Development Bank, "Can Social Programs Reduce Productivity and Growth? A Hypothesis for Mexico."12. Mabel Andalón, Cornell University and Carmen Pagés, Inter American Development Bank, "Minimum Wages in Kenya."13. Errol D'Souza, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, "Labor Market Flexibility: Insurance Versus Efficiency and the Indian Experience."14. Sugata Marjit, Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta, and Saibal Kar, "Labor Productivity Growth, Informal Wage and Capital Mobility: A General Equilibrium Analysis."Part III Trade and Labor15. Yiagadeesen Samy, Carelton University and Vivek H. Dehejia, Carleton University "Trade and Labor Standards: New Empirical Evidence."16. Ann Harrison, University of California, Berkeley and Jason Scorse, Monterey Institute of International Studies, "Do Foreign-Owned Firms Pay More? Evidence from the Indonesian Manufacturing Sector."17. Nidhiya Menon, Brandeis University, and Yana van der Meulen Rodgers, Rutgers University, "Gender Inequality in the Labor Market During Economic Transition: Changes in India's Manufacturing Sector."Part IV Human Capital, Productivity and Gender18. Niels-Hugo Blunch, Washington and Lee University "Multidimensional Human Capital, Wages and Endogenous Employment Status in Ghana."19. Johannes Gernandt, ZEW Mannheim, and Friedhelm Pfeiffer, ZEW Mannheim, "Wage Convergence and Inequality after Unification: (East) Germany in Transition."20. Gautum Hazarika, University of Texas at Brownsville, and Arjun S. Bedi, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, "Child Work and Schooling Costs in Rural Northern India."21. Dileni Gunewardena, Darshi Abeyrathna, Amalie Ellagala, Kamani Rajakaruna and Shobana Rajendran, University of Peradeniya, et. al, "Glass Ceilings, Sticky Floors or Sticky Doors? A Quantile Regression Approach to Exploring Gender Wage Gaps in Sri Lanka."22. Joe Colombano, EBRD, and Libor Krkoska, EBRD, "Skills, Training and Enterprise Performance: Survey Evidence from Transition Countries in Central and Eastern Europe."23. Miracle Ntuli, "Exploring Gende